(1.9) The Moment

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"Rebekah where are you? You were supposed to meet me at my house like an hour ago." Eden complained into the phone as she checked the clock for the fifth time. She was thirty minutes late and both Matt and Caroline had been calling non-stop since eight.

"Rebekah, look I know you're probably just running late and all and that's fine, but I'm gonna go ahead and go. I'll just meet you there, okay?" She sighed, hanging up the phone. Rebekah and Eden had been talking for the past two days leading up to the homecoming and had even gone to pick up their dresses this morning but all of a sudden around five o' clock, she went completely off the grid.

Sitting her phone on the table next to the door, she walked over to the mirror to give herself one last look over.

In the moments before calling Rebekah, Eden decided to add color to her look so that it wasn't just a plain black outfit. Raiding through her closet she found a pair of maroon pumps that she'd bought with Caroline a year ago and in an epic ransack of her makeup, Eden found herself lucky enough to find a matching matte lipstick color. With no way to tame her messy brown hair, she finally decided to fix it into a bun off to the back of her head.

"Where is my necklace?" She whispered to herself in despair, looking at her barren neck. She'd searched for the thing almost as long as she'd been waiting on Rebekah and was still coming up empty handed. Instead she opted for a simple bracelet and a ring on her right middle finger. Realizing that there was nothing more that she could do, Eden finally made her way downstairs with both phone and clutch in hand. Just as she had shut the door behind her, her phone rang again.

"Don't kill me Care, I'm on the way now. I got held up." She rushed over the other girl, getting into her car and pulling off to the high school.

"God I was almost worried you weren't coming. I was trying to tell you that the dance was cancelled." Eden groaned, stopping the car where she was.

"So I dressed up for nothing?" She whined, checking her makeup in the mirror as she thought about having to wipe off the unused product.

"No, Tyler decided to move the party to his house. Do you remember where that is?" Eden thought for a moment before picturing the pristine Lockwood Mansion at the edge of town.

"Yeah, I'll be there in ten." She hung up and rerouted her direction, heading towards the edge of the town. Eden heard the noise before she saw the house. The constant bumping grew louder the closer she got and she could already note that she going to have a hard time finding a parking spot at the crowded mansion. Instead of risking endless time trying to find one, she parked near the back of the line of cars and made her way indoors on foot.

Upon entrance, she looked around disdainfully at the amount of students that were crowded around drinking cheap beer. Eden hadn't much enjoyed high school parties before, but this was only making it worse and now Eden was severely regretting coming here. She weaved her way through the crowd, searching for someone she knew and without having much luck indoors, she walked outside.

Stefan and Tyler were the first ones that caught Eden's eyes as the two stood in the middle of the crowd chatting. Hoping that she could find out where the others were, she began down the steps to meet up with them.

"..I'm just doing what Klaus wants." Tyler was saying, holding the crates of beer in his hand. Eden was a little curious to the conversation, but she knew that an answer was probably something she wasn't going to get, so she tried to pretend she hadn't heard anything. Stefan was the first to see Eden as she approached them and after a quick once over, he wondered why he never took a chance with her instead of Elena. Though from the look she was giving, he was reminded that she was even more annoying than Elena was when it came to speaking her mind.

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