(1.2) Sweet Dreams

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Eden's eyes snapped open in wonder, taking in her new surroundings in complete and utter confusion. The sun was beaming down on her tan skin, warming her and her first thought was that it was just the nurse waking her up.

She was wrong.

What had previously been a tiny white hospital room, was now a large village where people were busy milling around doing one thing or the other. Very clearly not noticing that a girl was now standing before them having no idea where she was or how she had gotten there.

Eden turned on her feet and almost tripped over the long gown she was now adorning. Her thin white hospital dress had been transformed into a long beautiful intricate deep blue gown that was accented with some kind of gold lace weaved throughout the fabric. The sleeves drew all the way out to her small wrists and hung loosely around the girl, giving her room to move her arms freely. She touched a lock of her usually shoulder length brown hair and was now staring at it in disbelief as it now hung to her waist leisurely and fell in loose waves down her back adorned with a few flowers here and there and even a small braid was fixated into the strands next to her temple. In the midst of all of her confusion, she fell completely blind to the fact that a girl had walked over and was now watching Eden curiously.

"Are you okay?" The girl asked her, cocking her head to the right slightly. Eden turned around, sighing in relief when she saw a familiar face.

"Elena? What's going on?" Tatia raised her eyebrows at Eden, wondering if she could be talking about her. She looked behind her to make sure that Eden was talking to her before shaking her head, pointing to herself.

"My name is Tatia, are you okay?" She repeated and Eden scoffed in frustration, not exactly in the mood to play games with the other girl.

"Elena seriously, this isn't funny what's going on?" Tatia only looked at Eden, becoming more confused with each second that passed.

"My name is Tatia, I do not know of this Elena. I can help you find her if you would like?" Eden groaned and Tatia raised her eyebrow. It was not her job to show the lost girl around but she certainly knew that it would be the last time she tried to help.

"You know what, just leave me alone. I know you lied to me earlier, and it's not funny." Eden turned away from Tatia, picking up the folds of her dress in anger before angrily storming away. Tatia watched her, wondering what the other girl could have possibly meant by lying to her; she had only just met the girl two minutes ago. Hoping that Eden would find whoever she was looking for, she gave a parting glance to her and walked back toward her home. Eden herself walked a little further along, trying to distance herself from 'Tatia' and with a thought, started to pat herself down for her cellphone.

"Where the hell is it?" She muttered, hoping that by finding her phone she would be able to figure out where she was and what was happening. Though just as she was about to give up looking, two people ran past her excitedly. The girl seemed to be about Eden's age, her blond braid bounding behind her messily as the boy (younger than the girls, she knew) tried to keep up with her.

"Come on Henrik our brothers are fighting again!" She laughed as she said this, and it was enough to make Eden follow behind, making sure that she wasn't seen. Eden stayed a few paces behind the two as they walked up to a home that was slightly larger than the rest. Two men, not that much older than Eden could be, were sword fighting. Though from the looks of it, it was nothing more than a bit of sparring. The man with the dark hair seemed to be enjoying himself thoroughly as he jokingly teased what Eden assumed to be his brother.

"Oh look sister has arrived, to watch my fast approaching victory." He said with a smirk and Eden had no trouble noting the English accent. Maybe she was somewhere in England? (She'd always wanted to visit Manchester anyways.) The one with the blond hair smiled at his brother and Eden felt her heart flutter in the slightest at how beautiful the smile was. His blue eyes gleamed in delight as he glanced at his sister and young brother.

Once Upon A Dream • K.M.Where stories live. Discover now