(1.17) Temptations

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As the clock struck six, Eden found herself standing in front of her bed in just a robe fresh from the shower. The box lay on the bed where she had thrown it earlier when she came home from getting her nails painted after promising Rebekah that she would find her as soon as she got to the Mikaelson Mansion.

Taking a deep breath, Eden pulled the top off the box and lay it next to its other half. On top were two smaller boxes and another written note, once again in Klaus' hand writing. She picked up the note first, reading it over in her head:

'The necklace seemed at home when you wore it so I thought you should get use from it, it once belonged to a Princess so it should fit you perfectly. Save me a dance. ~Nik'

Eden looked over the card once more, slightly confused about what he meant about the necklace. Deciding it was just Klaus trying to confuse her, Eden picked up the first of the two boxes and opened the lid.

Gasping, she almost dropped the box when she saw what was inside. The same diamond necklace that she had worn during her time in the 1500's with Klaus was nestled inside the dark velvet box. She picked the necklace up and the large jewel gleamed in the light of her small bedroom. She was in such awe at the look of the ornate piece that she almost didn't notice the small initials carved onto the back of the pendent. In the same sharp elegant handwriting as the note were the initials 'N.M.' that she could only guess meant Niklaus Mikaelson. She sat the necklace down and picked up the second box to see that there was a pair of matching drop diamond earrings and a Cartier bracelet.

"Does money even exist to this guy?" She whispered to herself as she examined the bracelet. Eden sat the jewelry down and picked up the last item in the box. It was a charcoal colored ball gown with a high neckline and lace covering the entire top half of the dress. A thin black bow was tied around the waist and divided the top from the bottom, which was made from organza. Admittedly the dress was very beautiful and while every fiber of her wanted to wear something else in defiance of Klaus dressing her, she had nothing in her closet that came anywhere close to the beauty of this dress.

Seeing that it was already six thirty, she swallowed her pride and began to get ready. Eden shuffled through her closet, searching for a pair of heels and came up with suede black pumps that seemed to match just fine. Because her hair was at an awkward length due to her recent haircut, Eden decided that wearing another bun would do no harm and decided this time to match it with a silver wreath headpiece that Denise got her for her sixteenth birthday. It was the only present from her stepmother that she used and though she hadn't worn it since she was seventeen, Eden felt it was appropriate for the occasion.

When all of the jewelry was on, Eden did a once over in the mirror before realizing that the ball had already started and she was now late. She picked up the skirt to her dress and climbed down the stairs as quickly as she could without tripping. No sooner than getting in the car did she get a message from Rebekah asking her where she was. Deciding not to respond, Eden started the car and pulled off towards the outer edges of the town.

* * *

The mansion was already crowded and Eden had just managed to get inside when she spotted Elena walking through the doors.

"Elena!" She called out excitedly, getting her attention. Eden made my way to her, wrapping her small arms around the taller brunette.

"Hey, who did you come here with?" Elena asked with a smile, but Eden dodged the question when she looked down at her dress.

"Where did you get this, it's beautiful." Eden touched the material of the other girl's dress lightly.

"It was my mom's, I found it in Jenna's closet." Elena smiled and Eden saw the Salvatore brothers walking towards the two slowly. She took in the sight of the two men clad in black tie and elbowed Elena lightly.

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