(1.36) Til Death

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"Niklaus what the hell is going on?!" Eden yelled as she took in the two white pickets in his hand.

"Eden, could you be a dear and have your friend Jeremy invite me in?" He asked in sweet voice. Eden put her hands on her hips, leaning to the left.

"Niklaus get the hell out of here!" She yelled. Klaus screwed his face up in thought.

"You see, that wasn't the answer I was looking for." Eden felt a breeze against his ear and in the next moment one of the pickets that was in Klaus' hand had landed in the wall where Damon had just been posted against.

"You missed me!" He called out childishly. Klaus looked from Damon back to Eden, a small smirk on his face.

"You might want to move." Without hesitating, she did as he said, just in time to dodge the giant white splinter that flew exactly where her arm had been a few moments before.

"Damon!" Eden yelled, peeking back at the raven-haired man who was now exchanging blows with the Original on the other side of the door.

"Sorry Eden!" He yelled, dodging another piece of the fence. She heard a grunt and watched Klaus retreating from before joining the rest of the gang in the kitchen.

"Any clue as to why he's demolishing the house?" Eden asked over the noise as they stood out of the doorway. Stefan walked forward, peeking around the corner.

"He wants Elena." He moved past Eden and into the hallway and Eden froze, not sure how to handle what Stefan told her.

"Of course he does." She whispered to herself. Klaus wouldn't take Eden with him because 'She wasn't ready' but he was willing to take Elena against her will to create his stupid hybrid army.

"Eden, are you okay?" Jeremy asked Eden, snapping her out of her head. Eden nodded, deciding not to pursue the feeling.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Where's Bonnie?" Jeremy tilted his head toward the door.

"She's outside, she has a plan." Eden raised her eyebrows.

"Which is?"

* * *

"Are you out of your mind?!" Eden demanded, walking up to Bonnie and Damon. Damon grabbed her arm, pulling Eden back toward Jeremy.

"Easy there tiger, we need Sabrina over here." Bonnie scowled at the name before turning back to Eden, who had just snatched her arm away from Damon.

"There's nothing to worry about, I can do this." She said, the other girl scoffed.

"Right, and this has nothing to do with Jeremy being your ex?" Eden bit out. Jeremy tapped her.

"I volunteered Eden, Bonnie didn't make me." Eden glared at him and then to Bonnie, still not trusting it.

"It's fine Eden, I can do this." She repeated, though it sounded like it was more like she was saying it more for her sake than Eden's. The brunette stepped back regardless, making sure to stay in arms reach of Jeremy. She hated this plan and there was no way that she was going to leave his side while this was going down. Damon turned to Jeremy, extending his hand out.

"Hand it over." He said, gesturing towards the ring on Jeremy's hand.

"I'm not giving you my ring, let me do this." He protested.

"By my math you've already bit it once, maybe twice and if for some reason Bonnie can't restore your heart and you do indeed die, then before you know it we have another psycho alter ego on our hands and that's not good so give me the ring." He stuck his hand out again and Jeremy looked down at it.

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