(1.30) New Rules

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"You are an idiot." Eden mumbled to herself, looking up at the large intimidating estate that sat in front of her. When she had awoken from her sleep this morning after seeing a particularly nasty dream from Klaus' childhood that once again involved Mikael, Eden grew a determination to speak to Klaus, but about what she wasn't sure yet. Or at least that is what she had been telling herself all morning.

"Turn around." She told herself, trying to persuade herself from the horrible idea. Nevertheless, Eden found herself getting out of the car and walking up the long drive way. Just as she was coming up to the door, Rebekah strutted out, just as startled as Eden was that they had run into each other.

"Well, fancy seeing you here, you up for another rendezvous with Nik?" The blond teased, hugging Eden quickly. Eden scoffed, rolling her eyes with a playful smile.

"When will your accusations stop?" Eden questioned, but Rebekah only smiled.

"I'm your friend, it's my job. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a little business to handle. I'll see you later." With that, she walked away, strutting towards her car. Eden watched her for a moment before looking back toward the door where Klaus was standing in the threshold with a smile. He had no idea that she had planned to come by, but nevertheless he was delighted to see her.

"Eden, come in." He held his hand out for her to take, and she did so as he helped her up the steps and into the warm house. Eden shivered slightly as he shut the door, the air outside was growing cold surprisingly fast.

"What brings you here?" Klaus asked, leaving their hands laced once the door shut.

"I came to talk to you." She admitted, peeking behind him to see his brother Finn and a red-head locked in a passionate embrace.

"This is the family business you were attending to?" She asked him; he granted her a small smile without saying anything and Eden took this as a yes. The two broke apart and Finn looked back at Eden with an odd expression.

"Eden." He sneered, and she raised her eyebrows in surprise.

"We haven't met, have we?" She asked him, flipping back through her memories and coming up empty. Finn was about to say something but caught himself and stopped, his face turning neutral.

"No, but word in this town gets around fast." He looked from her to Klaus, disgust mingling into his elegant features.

"Sage and I are going out for a walk." He said dryly. Klaus made a clicking noise with his tongue before pulling a small vial out of his jacket pocket.

"Could you be a good sport and fill this up for me first?" Finn was about to deny him, but the woman, Sage, whispered something in his ear that Eden's human ears did not catch. Finn looked from Sage to Klaus before snatching the bottle from his hand begrudgingly. He let go of Sage and bit into his wrist, blood dripping onto the tile. Eden crinkled her nose in distaste and watched as Finn dripped his blood into the vial before handing it back to his younger brother.

"There we are, that wasn't so hard now was it?" Klaus said, taunting Finn. Finn glared at Klaus briefly before his eyes moved to Eden, his stare burning holes into her.

"How long do you think you'll last around a monster like my brother? Or the abomination that this family was turned into?" Eden said nothing, but shrunk back into Klaus slightly as his brown eyes stared down at her accusingly. Klaus pulled her behind him, sizing Finn up.

"That's enough. Take Sage and leave." Finn stepped forward, toe-to-toe with his younger brother.

"With pleasure." He grabbed Sage's hand and the two walked out the front door. When they were gone, Klaus put the vile back in his pocket and looked to Eden again.

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