(1.20) The Lying Game

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"I never knew Queen Victoria was such a bitch." Eden said to herself thoughtfully as she sat up in bed the next morning. Klaus had taken her to the Queen's court and decided to integrate Eden in with the British court; but of course as soon as they heard her American accent and saw her tan skin, the entire court's demeanor became frosty. They weren't entirely sure of her ethnicity, so it was a constant back and forth she had to endure because Klaus wouldn't compel the court not to care about her physical appearance.

She yawned, stretching as she started waking herself up for the day. She had every intention to go to the girls and have them talk out whatever the problem was that made them not trust her, and why the used her as a distraction when she clearly told them to leave her out of it. That was until she got a phone call from an unexpected person.

"Eden, how are you?" She grimaced slightly.

"Hi Mom. I'm okay, and you?" Eden asked her stiffly. This was her mother's bi-monthly call and it usually consisted of an awkward fifteen minutes of the two catching up before her mother would excuse herself for work with promises that she would call back, though she never did.

"To be honest I miss you dear." Well that caught Eden off guard.

"Wait, what?" She asked in disbelief.

"Don't be like that Eden, I'm serious. I haven't seen you and Dimi since graduation." She said, referring to Eden's brother's nickname as a child.

"Mom you know you can call me at anytime, it's not like I'm doing anything here." She said truthfully.

Her mother huffed. "It's not the same. You're in Virginia, and your father has Dimi in California. I never see the two of you anymore." Eden sighed, not knowing what to say to her.

"Mom I-"

"I want you and Dimi to come spend the weekend out here." Eden stopped dead, not knowing if she'd heard her correctly.

"Did you just say that you wanted us to come-"

"To New York Eden yes." Her mother finished impatiently.

"Mom I can't just up and leave." Eden said, thinking of the giant mess that was going on down here.

"Eden you just told me that you don't do anything in Mystic Falls. It's not like you're going to school, and I'm paying your credit card bills so you can't possibly have a job. All I'm asking for is a weekend." She chuckled; Eden rolled her eyes. When Eden was younger, no one could understand why she wanted to get away. It was her mother's icy exterior that drove Eden to living with Astrid when her parents were hashing out their divorce. Stiles picked their father solely for the fact that he wanted to live in Hollywood and Manhattan was too cold for her surfer brother.

"Mom that's not what I'm talking about, I'm saying that-"

"And would you like to inform me on why I paid a hospital bill when you never told me that you were in the hospital?" Her mother replied stiffly.

"It's not like you would have cared." She muttered, though Eden knew she couldn't hear.

"Because it slipped my mind, honestly it was just a minor injury." Eden said finally, trying to defuse the conversation.

"Did you tell Andrew?" Her mother asked suspiciously.

"No Mom, Dad doesn't know either." Her mother sighed after a moment and Eden already knew what was coming.

"Eden look, I know that I'm not the best mom, and that Andrew and I aren't the best parents but we try and I can't understand why that seems to be enough for Dimi and not for you." Eden frowned.

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