Interlude. Gone

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Okay so while chapter 40 was the last chapter in Once Upon a Dream, this is what I call the interlude. It's basically a bridge from this book to the next. Which leads me to my next statement: Surprise! I currently do have a sequel for this book and it is called As I Lay. It's complete and I can't wait to see you there!

Klaus Mikaelson had made many many stupid decisions, and he knew that. Klaus was very reckless and sometimes forgot the things that mattered most because he was so wrapped up in the 'grand scheme of things' that he didn't notice the other things; the things that he should be noticing. Klaus had come to this conclusion the morning after he "died."

He was going to see Eden, in his haste to make himself disappear he had not only forgotten about his love, but he was also beginning to have a bit of a power struggle with Tyler Lockwood who turned out to be a little less submissive than he expected him to be. He knocked on the door first, waiting for her to answer until he could smell the faintest trace of blood. He went to the door, pushing the door open and praying that him being in Tyler's body would not stop him from coming inside the girl's house. He took a tentative step inside the house. His foot made it across the threshold and he rushed into the living room, taking in the sight of the broken glass that scattered around the floor.

"Eden?!" Klaus called out, running up the stairs as he sprinted into the girl's room, only to see that it was empty, as well as her closet and the tops of her dresser. Klaus stepped forward, pulling the drawers open and finding them empty as well. A feeling of dread washed over him as he looked around, noticing that all of the picture frames had been taken down and were now empty. He rushed back downstairs, looking around each room and finding all of them missing something that had been there previously. He stepped into the kitchen, spotting a note on the counter. He was about to pick it up when he heard multiple sets of footsteps walking up to the door.

In a panic, he hid himself in the kitchen pantry, shutting the door behind him just as Bonnie, Matt, and Jeremy stepped inside the house. The three looked around in horror as they took the sight of the broken glass that littered the living room. Without saying a word, Jeremy sprinted up stairs shouting Eden's name. Matt and Bonnie stepped around the glass as they entered the kitchen and Klaus stiffened slightly as Matt walked past the pantry.

"She's not here, all of her stuff is gone too." Jeremy panted, guilt laced in his voice as he began thinking the worse. Bonnie picked up the small note that was propped up by the case that had the now wilting flowers that Klaus gave her. Bonnie unfolded the note nearly before reading for everyone to hear.

"Dear Matt, or Jer, or Bonnie, or Care, or Elena,
I never expected any of you to understand the way that Niklaus Mikaelson made me feel, and I never expected any of you to accept that Klaus and I were happy together. But what I absolutely never in a million years expected, was to feel this giant hole in my chest because of Klaus' absence. By the time you've read this, I will have been well out of town and honestly I don't think I ever plan to come back. Please don't look for me, just know that I'm safe and that no matter how any of you feel about me, I still love you guys more than you'll ever know.

With love,
Eden, E, and of course, Ms. Goody Two-Shoes"

Klaus sat still, unsure of what to feel as the humans discussed all the possible places she could be and how long it would take for them to stop her. Without thinking, Klaus sped from the house and made sure that he was a good distance from anyone before pulling out Tyler's phone and dialing Eden's number. It rung three times before Eden picked up, her breathing slightly ragged.

"Goodbye Tyler." She mumbled before Klaus could get a word out.

"Eden wait-" Klaus heard a whoosh of wind and then the line disconnected. He tried calling her back, but every time he got the dial tone and in anger, he threw the phone into a tree and shattered it. Tyler groaned inside of him, but Klaus ignored it. There were only two places that Eden could go, she had to be in one of those places. He would go to California and New York and tear the cities apart if he had to. He had to get Eden back though, he couldn't let her wander around thinking he was dead when he was very much alive and well. He paced quietly, thinking of a way to get to both cities.

'You really think that she would be dumb enough to go to her parents? Come on man give her more credit. If Eden doesn't want to be found, you're going to have to make a little bit more effort." Tyler mocked inside of Klaus' head. He sighed, the boy had a point. No matter, if he had to rip this world apart to get to his girl, then he would.

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