(1.39) The End

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"Put some clothes on and bring your ass Eden." Rebekah threw a random set of clothes toward the brunette who was lounging around in her lover's bed miserably. Eden rolled her eyes, pushing the clothes away.

"Bekah what can I do? I told you exactly what Nik wanted me to tell you, I can't do anything more." Eden reasoned as she began rubbing her eyes in an effort to stay awake. Rebekah rolled her eyes, pulling her phone out of her pocket to dial up Elijah.

"I would like to know how my brother got that message to you Eden, so as soon as I call up my brothers you have some explaining to do." Rebekah remarked as she listen to the dial tone. Elijah answered on the second ring.

"Sister, I dare say I have a feeling our brother has gotten himself in trouble. Please tell me that is not the reason of your call?" Elijah hoped as he looked out the window of his studio in Thailand. Elijah always had a fondness for the country and it was his secret hiding place when not traveling with his siblings.

"Well I'm afraid you'll be upset to know that Elena and her little friends have done the same spell on Nik that was used on Mikael to desiccate him." Rebekah replied as she watched the brunette get dressed irritably.

"God Niklaus." Elijah whispered as he sat down in his chair, he closed his eyes and sighed.

"I need you, we need to get our brother back. How soon can you get here?" His little sister asked.

"Give me one hour, two if the pilot decides to be difficult." He paused, "And what of the girl? The one that Niklaus has taken such a liking to?" Rebekah tilted her head, looking back at her friend. Eden was now shoving her feet into a pair of nude booties with a thoughtful look on her face.

"She's here, though she doesn't think she's going to be much help. And honestly I'm not sure she will be either." Rebekah admitted.

"Rebekah..we should talk about what to do with Niklaus once I get in town." Rebekah raised her eyebrows in confusion but said nothing more on the matter.

"Alright, call me when you're here." Rebekah hung up and immediately began dialing her brother Kol.

"Hey Bex, don't tell me your still slumming around with Nik?" Kol asked as he walked outside of a nightclub in Vegas. He loved coming here. The women, the alcohol, the blood. There was never a shortage of any of it and Kol lived for this kind of place.

"There's a problem, Kol. Our brother has been put under the same curse that put Mikael down fifteen years ago." Kol sucked in a breath mockingly.

"Sorry, I'm missing the part where it is a problem." He replied coolly as he spotted a pretty blond eyeing him down lustfully, though the pretty blond on the phone was not happy.

"Kol those bloody Salvatore brothers have his body-" Kol stopped her.

"Then let him rot for a century or two. God knows that Niklaus has done the same for us and if this is the only way to secure our freedom then I say why not?" Rebekah rolled her eyes.

"And if they kill him, will you then be satisfied?" Kol went silent on the other end and Eden looked up as she heard Rebekah speak of death.

"What?" Eden blurted, but Rebekah shooed her.

"Is that the little vixen Eden I hear? Does she need a shoulder to cry on? I can be very comforting if you let me." Kol sneered and Rebekah blanched.

"Kol honestly, get your ass here." She hung the phone up before her older brother could say more and turned back to Eden.

"Come on, I need to meet up with Elijah and while we wait, you have some explaining to do on how the hell my brother ended up this way in the first place." Eden made a face, but did as she was told and followed her friend out the door.

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