(1.16) Invites

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After talking to Jeremy Eden realized while it was nice to have the advice of one of her best friend's; it only made her miss the presence of the other one that much more. This is what led the brunette to take the short walk over to Mystic Grill the next morning and plop herself up on a bar stool where Matt was working so that he had no choice but to talk to her. Eden was very confused on his behavior and she was determined to get to the bottom of it. Matt's back was to Eden when she entered and so he didn't notice her seated in front of him which she thought was perfect.

"What can I get you?" He looked up at Eden and an emotion flickered across his face before it went stony and he started wiping the bar down.

"Matt, why are you avoiding me?" He looked back up at Eden, placing his hands on the bar.

"Why are you lying to me?" He shot back.

Eden snorted. "Wow you've got some nerve to ask me that that."

"Eden seriously, get over it. What's done is done, but did you feel like this was revenge for being kept in the dark?" Eden rolled her eyes.

"What are you talking about?" Matt scoffed, wiping the bar down again.

"You know, I get that you're mad at me for keeping you in the dark, but that doesn't give you an excuse to lie to me about Klaus." He threw the rag in the sink.

"Matt what is there to lie about? What about Klaus?" The name sounded strange coming from Eden, as she had only ever called him it once, but now she was curious to know if he knew about her dreams and how he found out.

"Tyler told me that Klaus threatened all of his hybrids; if they so much as look at you he said he'd rip their heart out himself. Not only that but Stefan comes along telling Damon and Elena that when he attacked you that you called out for him, and he saved you." The girl hesitated, and Matt noticed.

"What, so you think something is going on between us because Klaus doesn't want me dead? Wow, you're right, we're practically besties." She replied dryly, a little flattered that Klaus was making sure that no one harmed her.

"No Eden, but I also don't think that that's just a coincidence either." Eden rolled her eyes.

"Well Matt I'm not going to apologize for the fact that Klaus doesn't want me dead." Eden grit out.

"Okay but how does he know you Eden?" She frowned, unsure of what to tell him.

"I don't know, maybe he's been following me." She lied, still not wanting to tell anyone about the fact that she was dreaming about Klaus. She was now able to remember her dreams around others, something she'd discovered when she had started to think about it when Ms. Yang kept blabbing at her on the way here.

"Eden that doesn't make any sense, why would he follow you around town?" Matt walked back towards her, leaning against the counter so that they were closer.

"Because Jeremy is my best friend?" She offered weakly.

"Tyler said that Klaus didn't know." I'm gonna fucking strangle Tyler, she thought bleakly. She was about to come up with another excuse when a blonde took a seat next to her at the bar.

"Fancy seeing you here." A familiar English voice mused. Eden turned slightly and her brown eyes landed on Rebekah. Eden grinned, a little taken off guard but still excited to see her all the same. Rebekah smiled back, but Eden noticed something about her seemed off.

"Rebekah." Eden breathed out, pulling her into a hug without thinking. Nevertheless, Rebekah's small arms wrapped around her and squeezed Eden gently.

"I was so mad you, I thought you ditched me." Eden gushed and Rebekah laughed.

"I know, I've just gotten the ten voicemails that you left me. I'm sorry I couldn't be there though. I'm sure you looked amazing no doubt." She scoffed.

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