(1.14) Boarding House

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"Is there any reason why you're calling me? And how did you get my number?" Eden snapped into the phone, taking one last look at herself in the mirror before turning the bathroom light off.

"Oh come on Eden, I'm not the one you're mad at." Damon pointed out ignoring her last question. Eden gave a sarcastic snort.

"You are exactly the person I'm mad you dick." She grit out. He tsked into the phone and Eden found herself growing more and more annoyed.

"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed." The brunette strolled into the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water out of the fridge, sitting her phone on the counter on speaker.

"You've got five seconds before I hang up, and then strangle whoever gave you my number." She told him, untwisting the cap and taking a drink from the bottle.

He groaned. "I don't get what everyone sees in you, you're not that funny to me." She rolled her eyes.

"Usually I reserve humor for people I like, now seriously Damon what do you want?" She asked for the third time.

"Alright alright. Elena and Bonnie are going out for the day to search for Bonnie's missing mother." She made a gesturing motion, though she knew he couldn't see her.

"What does this have to do with me?" She snapped.

"I need you to keep an eye on Stefan, see what he's up to." She scoffed.

"You're kidding me right? You want me to babysit an emotionless Stefan, have you lost your mind?" Damon shushed her.

"It's not that hard Eden, just go over there and keep him talking. He's up to something but he won't tell me what it is." She scoffed.

"So you think he'll tell me? I've barley had five conversations with the guy, and besides I don't want to help you." Damon hummed.

"And now you're in the loop so you can act like you're just trying to find out about big bad hybrid Klaus, and honestly everyone is over that now, it's time for you to be too." Eden frowned.

"Are you mental? Did you forget that I just found out about you killing my best friend and letting her almost kill me?" Damon groaned.

"But I didn't did I? Although, I am starting to wish I had." Eden glared at her phone.

"Goodbye Damon." She went to hang up her phone but he called out to her again.

"Do it for Elena, come on she's done nothing to you." He reasoned, but Eden shrugged.

"She didn't tell me either." Eden pointed out.

"All to protect you, are you really going to repay her by possibly putting her life in danger?" Eden hesitated, but sighed.

"He's going to know what I'm up to." She mumbled.

"You overestimate my brother Eden, he doesn't know that you know about his humanity being off. He'll try to use that to his advantage, and I want you to act like you believe him." Eden sat her bottle down before hoping up on the counter.

"I swear to god if your brother tries anything then I'm staking him myself." She threatened.

"You're a doll Eden, tell me what you find out. Bye bye." The line went dead and Eden groaned, looking at the phone in disbelief.

The fact that Damon assumed that she would be even the slightest inclined to help him out just because it would help Elena irritated the hell out of Eden. It was bad enough that everyone was over the fact that he killed Vicki, but the fact that he was urging her to do the same made her want to strangle him. Nevertheless she swallowed her ire and grabbed her keys off the table in the hall.

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