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While the rest of Eden's morning was very bitter with pretty much every member of her family feeling as though she'd acted like a brat, when the evening rolled around she really was sad to be leaving. Well, sad to be leaving Marie and Jana. Selena and Stiles did decide to come along to the airport with Eden even though the three of them barely spoke all that day and when they got to the airport, Eden expected a half-assed goodbye from the pair.

"I can't believe you're leaving!" Jana whined, a small tear rolling down her cheek as she hugged her cousin to her. Eden hugged her back, squeezing onto the raven-haired girl as though she'd never see her again. Despite all the crap that Jana had put her through, Eden would be lying if she said that she wouldn't miss her cousin with every fiber of her being.

"Jana I'm really gonna miss you, please please just promise me you'll try to come and visit." Eden begged her as she broke away. Jana smiled tearfully before nodding her head.

"I'll make time." She promised, and Eden wiped her tear away with a small smile.

"Amidst all the crazy things that you made me do, I don't regret any of it." She told her and Jana smiled, hugging her again.

"God I'm not gonna have as much fun without you." She whispered in Eden's ear. Jana pulled away and backed up so she was standing next to Selena.

Aunt Marie walked up next, pulling her niece into her small arms. "Please just be safe mija. I know you're a good girl, but there are bad people all around you." She reminded her. With a peck on Eden's cheek, Marie joined her daughter. Eden looked awkwardly at her own family, unsure of what to say to them. Finally, Selena walked up to Eden slowly. She brushed a few strands of hair behind Eden's ear before she looked at her.

"I don't agree with a lot of things you're doing Eden, but your tía is right. Please be safe Eden." Selena almost begged as she hugged her daughter. The brunette hugged her back, a little taken aback by Selena's sudden affection. She let the young girl go and that left Stiles and herself for a goodbye. Stiles walked up to his sister, and she braced herself for a quip that would no doubt be on the end of his tongue.

"Um, be safe Eden." He told her awkwardly, scratching the back of his head. He enveloped the girl in a stiff hug and pulled away before Eden had time to process what he did. She looked at her small family, a piece of her actually a little saddened that she would have to leave them, especially Jana.

"Take care of each other." She told them before turning and disappearing down the terminal.

* * *

"There's my girl!" Matt yelled excitedly, picking Eden up and spinning her around while she squealed girlishly.

"The town wasn't the same without you." He said, after he put his best friend down.

"I'm sure everyone got along just fine without me." She teased, picking her suitcase up and laying in the bed of Matt's truck. Eden walked around to the side of his car and he held the door open for her, waiting so she could climb inside. Once she was, he went around to the driver's side and got in.

"So, tell me, how hellish was it?" Matt asked, starting the truck up.

"Well, all things considered, it wasn't as bad as it could have been I guess." Eden said truthfully.

"Well kid, we've got thirty minutes before we get back to your house so spill." She shook her head, thinking back to the weekend that she'd spent with her family.

"It was, I don't know. As usual my mom was too worried about Stiles and I spent the entire weekend with Jana." Matt smiled when she said Jana's name and Eden rolled her eyes, already knowing why. Jana was Matt's first kiss and he had been head over heels for her in middle school the summer she and Eden came to stay with their Grandma Astrid.

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