(1.35) Dreams Are All We Have

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"Eden, Eden luv." Klaus shook the brunette gently and she grimaced and rolled over.

"Come on darling, sit up." She shook her head, pulling the blankets back over her head. She could hear Klaus chuckle from somewhere off to her right before the blankets were pulled back and someone was sitting her up. She groaned, stretching her arms out as she opened her eyes to see the moonlight flickering off of Klaus' face.

"What time is it?" She whispered hazily, smoothing her hair down.

"It's two in the morning." She groaned again, tempted to lay back down.

"What's wrong?" She asked, finally able to focus on the man in front of her, who was now dressed in a pair of loose fitted pants and a t-shirt of his own. The bottom half of his body was still facing opposite of Eden while his torso was leaning in towards her and she was a little curious as to why he didn't just climb up on the bed rather than be in the uncomfortable position he was currently in.

"Do you remember how I said I wanted to talk to you when I got back?" She nodded her head, rubbing her eyes to try and wake herself up.

"What's up?" She sighed out. He hesitated, and this immediately caught her attention.

"Is Rebekah okay?" She asked, fully awake now.

"She's fine, I found her a little while ago. She's resting, in her room." Eden crossed her legs together, letting out a breath of relief.

"Alright. That's great. Then what's wrong?" Klaus looked down at the comforter and then back up at Eden.

"You know, when I first met you, I had no idea that you would end up being one of the best things that this town has ever seen. One of the best things that I had ever seen." He pressed a hand to her face. Klaus did not want to do this-truly he didn't-but he had to make sure that the family he had left was safe and to do that, he couldn't be here.

"Niklaus just tell me whatever you have to say." She pleaded, hating the suspense hanging in the air.

"I had planned to leave, with Rebekah. We were going to leave yesterday but I couldn't stomach not telling you goodbye." Eden frowned, not sure if she understood what he was saying.

"You're..you're leaving?" She whispered in disbelief.

"There is nothing for us here anymore Eden." Klaus reasoned in an effort to calm the brunette, but all it did was fire her up even more.

"Not to sound vapid or anything, but I'm here Nik." She argued.

"I know you're here Eden, but I can't ask you to come with me. You aren't ready yet." She pushed his hand away from her.

"I can't believe you." She growled out, standing off the bed and heading into the closet where she left her dress.

"Eden, where are you going?" Klaus called, following after her to stop her from leaving.

"I'm going home Nik. I know that there's nothing that I can say that will change your mind, so I see no point in me even being here." Klaus grabbed her wrist and turned Eden around.

"I'm not doing this to hurt you Eden." She ripped her arm away from him and slammed the door shut.

"It doesn't matter why you're doing this Niklaus. The point is you're leaving! After everything I fucking went through to admit to myself that I had feelings for you!" Eden angrily stripped out of the man's clothes and started trying to unzip the dress when the door opened and Klaus stood in the doorway. His eyes widened slightly as they raked up and down her body before he realized that he came to talk.

Once Upon A Dream • K.M.Where stories live. Discover now