(1.26) Party Crasher

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Fair warning, I'm not a huge fan of this chapter and I'll be the first to admit it's poorly written but anytime I tried to rewrite it, it came out worse.

Eden blinked, trying to focus through the haze of alcohol and when she finally saw straight, he was gone. Her eyebrows furrowed as she scanned the crowd and came up with nothing, she chalked it up to a drunk hallucination (Though she was a little curious as to why her hallucination would be Klaus.). Levi was saying something in her ear but at that point Eden didn't actually focus on what he was saying and when the tempo changed, she repositioned Levi's grip on her to adjust to the new tempo. With her back pressed against his chest, she rotated her hips along to the beat as Levi's hands guided her along.

"You do know what you're doing." Levi complimented. She smiled but didn't reply as she began looking around and noticed Jupiter and Ethan a few feet from them, who looked to be all but screwing each other on the dance floor.

"They're energetic." She said to Levi, who looked at the couple as well and chuckled softly.

"I walked in on the two having sex once, it wasn't pretty." Eden laughed along with Levi as her eyes fluttered back to the table where Jana should be, only to find that she was missing. Eden looked around the room in search of her older cousin and when she spotted Jana, she did a double take.

Eden had never been one to judge anything that Jana did, she was a free spirit and for the most part everyone in their family accepted that and learned to love that about her. So when Eden saw Jana dancing with a pretty blonde girl across the dance floor, she didn't freak out, or scream or shout. The thing that brought Eden to completely abandon Levi without an explanation and head over to where Jana was dancing was the fact that she was dancing with a pretty blonde girl who happened to be an Original vampire.

"Rebekah?" Eden called over the music. Rebekah smiled at the brunette but continued to dance on Jana who hadn't yet noticed that her younger cousin had joined her.

"What are you doing here?" She screamed, though Eden knew perfectly well Rebekah could hear her at a normal volume. Jana seemed to finally notice Eden's sudden appearance and stood off Rebekah to pull her young cousin closer.

"Hey, this is Bekah. Bekah this is my cousin Eden. Isn't she pretty?" Jana said with a drunken smile.

"Yes, she is. Downright tempting." Rebekah said with a smirk plastered on her pretty face.

"Bekah what are you doing here? Is Nik with you?" Eden asked her, looking around the club.

"Do you guys know each other?" Jana screamed in Eden's ear, she cringed away from Jana and Rebekah caught her as the two fell into another easy dance.

"You might wanna go check on your date love, Nik's jealousy is a wicked thing to be on the receiving end of." Eden whipped around, realizing what she meant and headed over to where she'd left Levi on the dance floor. To her surprise, she found him immersed in a conversation with the bartender. She sighed, taking a step toward him when she ran straight into Klaus' chest.

"Fancy seeing you here." Klaus said with a smile.

"Why are you and Rebekah here?" She asked him.

"How about you dance with me, and then I'll answer all your questions." Eden scoffed.

"Nik I was dancing with-" Klaus pulled her to him, wrapping his large arms around her.

"Don't worry love, I've compelled him to talk to the bartender until we're done talking." She squirmed, trying to get out of his grasp.

"I am done talking to you Nik. Let me go." Klaus loosened his grip slightly, but not enough for her to escape.

"Now, you see, I'm feeling a little under appreciated. I came all the way out here to try and cheer my favorite girl up, and this is the reception I'm getting." He said in feign disappointment. Eden's heart picked up as she heard him call her his favorite girl and while the club lights did hide her blush, Klaus could hear her heart beat and he knew that she liked what she heard.

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