(1.7) Dress Shop

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Going home that night, Eden had expected to have the same recurring dream that she had now begun to grow accustomed to, though she assumed that her head must have been too wired to relax enough to dream and for the next few nights her sleep was dreamless. And despite the fact that she told Jeremy that the two needed to talk about what happened that day, she had been avoiding Jeremy's phone calls as well knowing that nothing he was going to say would change the fact that he betrayed Bonnie for a girl who left town the same night she blew in.

"Come on Eden please, I know Matt would want you there." Caroline found herself begging Eden as the two girls walked down the street a few days after everything had settled. Caroline was trying to talk Eden into going to the school's homecoming for a little over a week now and so far Caroline was coming up empty-handed, though Eden sensed that the other girl felt her resolve wearing away.

"Caroline, I don't even go to that school anymore, isn't there like some unwritten rule about how only losers go back to high school after they graduate?" She asked as they came up to one of the two dress shops in the small town. Eden thought that Caroline had steered the two in that direction in an attempt to persuade Eden further, and she thought it might have worked as she was now eyeing a pretty white dress in the window.

"But everybody wants you there and we all know you are like the coolest girl around." Eden rolled her eyes playfully, leave it to Caroline to schmooze her way through life.

"Laying it on thick aren't you?" Eden sighed before looking back at her, Caroline's blue eyes stared back at the other girl pleadingly and before she knew it, Eden found herself agreeing.

"If they don't have booze I'm leaving." Caroline smiled brightly before squealing.

"Thank you Eden, I knew you wouldn't be able to say no." The two stopped in front of the store.

"You didn't exactly give me a choice Care." Eden pointed out to Caroline, she ignored it.

"Are you going to help me pick out a dress too?" Caroline started to answer but hesitated.

"Shoot I can't, I told Tyler I'd meet him at the Grill in fifteen minutes."

"Wow so first you make me come to a high school dance and then you ditch me so I have no way to know if I'm picking out the right dress." Eden complained jokingly, Caroline scoffed.

"Oh please Eden, you could pull off a paper bag and everyone knows it." Eden smiled, shooing her away.

"I'm kidding Care go on, I can pick one by myself. God knows that I don't have to make the same deal about it as you do." Caroline smiled again.

"Thank you Eden really. I can't wait to see you there." The blonde pulled Eden in for a quick hug before walking off down the street, her perfectly blonde hair gleaming in the sunlight. Try as she may to avoid getting involved with Matt's other group of friends, Eden would be lying if she said she didn't have a soft spot for them, especially when they went out of their way to invite her to various events around the town. She thought they were a very interesting bunch and usually always had something to do.

Walking into the dress shop, Eden greeted the saleswoman and after assuring the lady multiple times that she was able to shop alone, she began making her way through the high selection of dresses in the store. When she was in high school, Eden made sure that she always ordered her dresses from online out of town and never at the two small shops. It was the only way to have something different, lest you come to the dance wearing the same dress as another girl; though seeing as Eden did not go to the school anymore it was safe for her to say that she didn't really have to care anymore. She was just coming up on a selection of green dresses when Eden spotted a pretty blonde girl standing in the mirror trying to pick between a red dress and a blue one.

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