(1.33) Flashback

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"Rebekah? Where are you going?" Eden stopped the blond as she almost bulldozed Eden down in an effort to get out the front door. Rebekah looked Eden in the face, something off about her expression as she hesitated before settling into an easy smile.

"Sorry dear, I didn't see you there, Nik is in the parlor if you would like to go see him." Eden frowned, stopping her as she tried to walk away.

"Bekah, are you okay?" When she said nothing, Eden sighed.

"Look I know that I avoided your calls yesterday but I swear that what nothing to do with Da-"

"It's fine Eden, really. I have to get going now." She walked past Eden before she could say anything more. The brunette watched her friend for a moment with her eyebrows raised; clearly something was off about her today.

Shaking her head, Eden headed into the mansion and went straight toward the parlor where Klaus was immersed in painting something she could only guess as abstract. Eden leaned against the threshold, watching him as she did so. His brow furrowed as his face settled into a slight frown while his eyes concentrated on the colors in front of him. Watching him was almost mesmerizing and Eden was stuck between wanting to interrupt him and letting him paint. Finally, when it seemed that he's surveying his finished work, Eden walked up to him, wrapping her small arms around him to take a look as well.

"It's nice." She complimented. He made a humming noise as he sat the paint board down and turned around in Eden's arms, smiling down at her.

"Where have you been, I haven't heard from you since the day before yesterday." He set a small kiss on top of Eden's head and she smiled.

"Grandma Astrid's birthday was yesterday, I usually take the day to myself." She let go of him and took a seat on the couch while he wiped his hands off on a towel that was set on the table.

"Is Rebekah okay? She seemed off when I tried to talk to her just now." Eden asked.

"Probably had to do with the fact that she's nervous about this silly dance she has me going to." He poured himself a drink and took a seat next to his girlfriend; she turned to him.

"The decade's dance? Ugh, I heard about that." Klaus took a sip from his glass before smirking.

"Well I'm glad you've heard about it because you are going to be my date." Eden scoffed.

"As if, you couldn't pay me to go to another one of those things." Eden said, flipping her hair behind her shoulder.

"Well I guess that's a shame, because you'll be delighted to know that the theme is something I know for a fact you looked amazing in." She snorted.

"Nik you tell me I look amazing in everything." Klaus made a face before nodding his head.

"While that may be true, I'm sure you'll love it all the same. I'll have my hybrids grab you something suitable and you can meet me back here tonight." She frowned.

"Nik, you're seriously making me go?" She pouted. He placed his hand on her cheek and pressed a soft kiss to her pouting lips.

"If I'm forced to go then so are you. Besides, Rebekah would be very appreciative if her friend was there in support." Eden groaned, but relented, seeing as there was no point in putting up an argument about it.

"Fine, fine." She said finally, rolling her eyes at his triumphant smirk. She stood up off the couch and ran a hand through her wavy hair, taking in the sight of empty crates around the room for the first time.

"So, Nik what's with all the crates?" She called to him after he left the room, she guessed to make a phone call.

"Nothing serious luv, I'll tell you about it later." He yelled back. While a little skeptical of his reasoning, she decided not to ask why, fearing that she wouldn't like the answer.

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