(1.38) In the Night

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"I was wondering how long it would take you to get here." Eden's eyes snapped open and to her surprise she was greeted with a present-day version of Klaus. He was smiling lightly, his hands placed behind his back as he wore a pair of fitted black pants and a grey Hensley shirt. Without thinking, Eden ran up to the hybrid, completely over the argument that they had the morning prior. She threw her arms around him and he caught her effortlessly in his strong arms, wrapping them around her securely and she breathed his smell in, pressing him to closer to her.

"Alright love, don't choke me. I'm not as strong right now." Klaus joked softly. Eden pulled her head off his shoulder and looked him in the face.

"You aren't dead." She breathed, caressing his face softly.

"I'm not dead." He assured the brunette with a tiny smirk. As the realization kicked in, Eden slid down out of his arms and looked up at him.

"How is this possible?" She whispered, she had been sure that when they said he was gone that it meant he was dead. Klaus took Eden's hand, and gestured for her to walk with him. Eden did so, slightly giddy and looking around for the first time to notice that she had no clue where they were.

"There's a nice place in Florida I settled in before arriving in Mystic Falls." Nik told Eden, noting her confusion. She nodded, letting him lead her up to a beach house that Eden thought was quite beautiful.

"I never took you as the beach front kind of guy." Eden teased quietly as he led her to a couch. The two sat and for a moment, Eden just watched Klaus, studying his movements to the point where Klaus was chuckling to himself.

"What?" Eden bit her lip, trying to pretend that she hadn't be caught staring at Klaus.

"Nothing love, tell me what happened to my body? Where am I?" He asked. Eden frowned, shrugging slightly. Klaus' smile dropped as he brought Eden's face up to his.

"What do you mean you don't know?" He asked her.

"Nik the spell that they used to bring you down, it affected me too and it took me longer to wake up. By the time I had come around, they had already taken your body off somewhere. Only Damon and Stefan know where you are." Klaus sighed.

"Well that makes things a little difficult doesn't it?" Eden winced and Klaus began trying to think of what he could send Eden to do that would help him get control of his body back without putting her in danger.

"They know about us too." She whispered, catching Klaus off guard.

"You told them?" He asked, but she shook her head.

"Stupid Lockwood, he said something and I didn't know about what happened to you so I was crying when they found me. They put it together nicely." Eden said bleakly as she thought back to Jeremy's harsh words to her.

"They didn't take it well did they?" Klaus guessed and Eden nodded her head, a fresh tear sliding down her face as she thought of the argument. Klaus lifted her head up, wiping her tear away before taking her face in his hands.

"You knew that they wouldn't take it well Eden, you told me yourself. Don't let them get you down though, come on. Where's my brave girl who went out and got a tattoo?" Eden smiled slightly as he laughed.

"There she is! That's more like it." He pressed a small kiss to her forehead before Eden wiped her face again, willing herself not to cry even though she had just lost both of her best friends in the same night.

"Niklaus how are we going to get you back?" Eden asked miserably after a moment. Klaus sat back on the couch as he thought.

"I don't know right now Eden, but I'm going to figure something out though. I do need you to find Rebekah for me, tell her what happened so she can call our siblings together. They need to gain control of my body." Eden raised an eyebrow.

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