(1.10) The Talk

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"What did you do to her?!" Were the first words that Jeremy belted out to Klaus as he burst in the door of the Salvatore Boarding house with a comatose Eden in his arms. Klaus ignored him, moving past him to lay Eden down on the couch. He wanted to take her to her apartment, but Eden hadn't invited him in and his house wasn't finished being built so there was no point in bringing the girl there in the midst of all the debris.

Elena came to stand next to Klaus, staring down in horror at the unconscious girl's bloodied body sprawled out on the couch. Jeremy rushed over when he saw the blood and tried to push Klaus out of the way, but Klaus shoved him back roughly and Jeremy fell to the ground with a thud. Elena looked between her brother and the man who was plotting her death, unsure of what to say or how to react.

"What happened? Why is she bleeding?" Elena demanded to know as Klaus bit into his wrist and crouched down to give the girl his blood. He lifted her head up, shoving his wrist to her slightly parted mouth and let the blood drip down her throat.

"That idiot pushed her into a glass table and got glass stuck in her leg." He pushed his wrist off Eden and she opened her eyes slowly, meeting Klaus' eyes before she let out another pained scream, reaching toward her leg, which Klaus' had now stupidly realized still had the glass inside of it. Her wound was trying to heal itself around the glass which was resulting in added pressure. Jeremy rushed over, grabbing Eden's hand as Klaus moved down to her leg. He wrapped his hand around the slender piece and frowned as he looked up at Eden.

"This is going to hurt." He warned her, but she didn't register it as she tried to figure out how she'd gotten to Stefan's home when she was just at the Lockwood Mansion. In one swift motion, Klaus pulled the blade from her leg and Eden screamed again. Klaus grimaced as he began trying to feed her more of his blood. Eden cringed away, turning in on herself and grimacing in pain when she moved her leg.

"Eden you have to drink it, so you can heal." Jeremy pleaded, but Klaus was not going to wait for the young girl to understand while she bled out all over the couch. He seized her round face in his hand and shoved his wrist into her mouth, forcing her to ingest the metallic liquid. She shoved his hand away, glaring at him and looked down at her leg as she felt the pain starting to ceded. The wound closed before her very eyes and Eden ran her hand over her bloodied leg in amazement.

"How?" She looked up at the three other people who were now staring down at her.

"Vampire blood has healing properties." Klaus said quietly, earning a glare from Jeremy and a look of disbelief from the brunettes.

"Vampire? What are you talking about?" Elena took a deep breath and knelt down in front of her.

"Eden, there's something that we need to tell you." She mumbled. Eden raised an eyebrow, looking from her to Jeremy.

"Tell me what?" She demanded, sitting up. Elena sat back, taking a seat on the coffee table and Jeremy watched Elena, not knowing what to say to Eden himself. Klaus watched the humans around him in mild anger. It was clear that they didn't want to tell Eden and if Klaus weren't here then Elena would have Damon or maybe even Stefan, compel her.

"Vampires, werewolves, witches, it's all real." Klaus blurted out, seeing that they were making no move to talk. Eden looked at Klaus with an unreadable expression, and for a moment, Klaus thought that she was going to have a breakdown, but instead she laughed.

"You're not serious, right?" She asked when she saw that no one was laughing and Elena put her hand on Eden's knee.

"Eden, it's all real." Eden watched Elena, waiting for her face to break into a smile, but when no one laughed her eyes widened.

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