(1.19) Family Ties

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"You know I get that there's always something crazy going on Jer, but I really just can't believe them." Eden vented to Jeremy on the phone that night after she got out of the shower.

"I mean they have a point, if I didn't know any better-"

"But you do." Eden snapped, knowing exactly what he was going to say.

"Alright but I'm just making a point Eden. Don't hold a grudge. They tried to get rid of them and the plan failed, it's time for you guys to move on to the next step." Eden sighed, knowing that he had a point about the moving on part.

"Alright," There was a knock on the door. "Hey Jer, I have to go. Someone's at the door, I'm guessing Matt." She thought, hoping that he was ready to stop blowing her off since he didn't answer the door when Eden went to visit him.

"Okay, I'll talk to you later Eden." Eden hung up, taking a deep breath before opening the door.

"Oh." She whispered as she looked at Klaus standing on her porch. Part of Eden wanted to ask how he knew where she lived, but then Eden remembered that he sent her flowers on the night that they'd 'met.'

"Niklaus, what are you doing here?" She asked, shivering slightly as the night breeze blew across her bare legs. Because she assumed Matt would be the one at the door, instead of putting on her robe like she would for anyone else, she'd settled for answering the door in her silk cami and matching shorts. Klaus himself was trying to get together what he was supposed to say to Eden but kept coming up empty and Eden looked down her street to make sure that there was no one to watch the exchange.

"Eden, I wanted to apologize for earlier. I should not have grabbed you like that and I can promise you that it won't happen again." There was something really stiff about his voice that caused the brunette to tilt her head.

"How's Kol, is he okay?" Klaus looked at her, searching her face for some kind of deception that told him she already knew what happened. When he came up with nothing, he sighed.

"He's alive, and gone. He left, fled hours ago." Eden pursed her lips.

"Why?" He looked behind him.

"Long story." He murmured, but something clearly was off with him. Without thinking, Eden pulled her door open, giving him enough room to walk in.

"Promise me you won't make me regret this?" She asked him. He looked from Eden to the door and then to Eden again.

"I can't." He admitted, a playful smirk on his pale face. Eden shook her head, a small giggle bubbling from her lips against her better judgement.

"Come inside Nik." His face broke into a wide grin as he stepped past the threshold and into the hallway. He took in the sight of Eden's tiny apartment and she led him to the living room, sitting down on the couch and gesturing for him to follow suit.

"Do you want to tell me what happened?" She asked him when he was situated on the suede couch. He opened his mouth, and then closed it again, gaping.

"Start from the beginning." She hinted. He ran a hand through his dirty blond hair impatiently.

"Your friends tried to kill my siblings and I today." Admittedly she was a little surprised that they did try, but more so hurt that this confirmed that it was the secret they were hiding from her.

"How did this happen?" She played with a loose strand of hair that escaped from her messy bun as he watched her.

"You really had no idea?" She shook her head.

"I got into an argument with them today because they were hiding something from me. It was why I was in such a foul mood when you and Kol saw me at the bar. I'm guessing that's what it was." Klaus nodded, his blue eyes still watching her carefully.

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