(1.5) Nik

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"There you are love." Eden's eyes snapped open, whirling around to see who the voice belonged to. Standing in the same clearing as she had been in yesterday was Klaus, though his face was more kind then it had been previously. His hair blew leisurely in the warm breeze and as she looked down she noticed that hers was as well. Eden watched Klaus nervously, unsure of what to say to him when he had just tried to kill her a mere twenty-four hours ago. Well, he tried in my dream at least, she thought.

"Did you enjoy what you saw earlier?" He asked, and Eden got the feeling that he wasn't talking about the fight that occurred between his father and him. In fact, Klaus knew very well that Eden had been present in his memories earlier.

Through the tears of betrayal he shed for his family, he saw the brunette hanging back at the edge of the woods, terrified out of her mind. She had stepped forward, stopped, and then squared her small shoulders to aide him but just as she was doing so, the memory melted away again. Klaus had awoken for maybe twenty minutes, in which time he went to check on Eden before he saw that she had just woken up. Content that the young girl was safe, he went back to his half built mansion and laid down, determined to see if he could dream again. He wasn't sure why he had been so interested in the girl, he'd made plans to kill her, but it was a conversation with Stefan that made him think otherwise.

Stefan had told Klaus that there was nothing special about Eden, she knew nothing of the supernatural world and despite the fact that most of the people that she talked to were supernatural did nothing to rectify that. She was "stupidly oblivious" as Stefan had put it and as such, Klaus felt that it meant that she could not be a witch, like he had previously suspected, but he did know there was something different about the girl. Now knowing what Stefan advised, he made sure that Stefan felt like the girl was insignificant to him, he didn't want Stefan to go blabbing off at the mouth about Klaus' interest in the girl before he could get to know her.

"You're going to kill me aren't you?" She asked him quietly, snapping him out of train of thought. Klaus regarded the girl thoughtfully. As he had noticed before, she was very beautiful but in almost a classic kind of way.  Eden blinked, her large doe eyes wide as she looked at the sword hanging off his belt. Niklaus raised an eyebrow, had someone already told her about him?

"Why on earth would I do that?" Eden shrugged, looking away from him and Klaus took a step closer.

"You tried to the last time I was here." Eden reminded him ruefully. He paused for a moment, thinking about it.

"Yes well that was before I knew about the situation. No harm will come to you from me." Klaus promised her, but when Eden bit her lip in suspicion he spoke again.

"Eden I won't lie to you, what happened yesterday was very confusing for me and yes I did react brazenly but I've been thinking about this and it comes to my knowledge that you really have no idea what's going on." Her eyes narrowed in suspicion, he sounded genuine but what did she know about him to believe him?

"And you do?" She tested. Klaus shook his head.

"Not entirely. Though I have an idea and am very curious as to why mother sent you into my head." Eden tilted her head to the side as she regarded the man in front of her. She was getting closer and closer to the conclusion that he was crazy.

"Your head?" He nodded.

"My mother seems to find it rather funny to find new tedious was to torture me. Seeing as I killed you and all-" Eden stopped him, picking up on what he said.

"I'm not dead." This seems to have no effect on him, if anything it only caused him to start rambling more.

"I know that now, my mother is quite the woman." He smirked, deep in thought. Eden took another step back as she realized what he said.

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