Chapter 53

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Damon picked up his phone and called elena. "Hey."

"Hello damon,what's up? " She answered.

"Is everything ok?" He asked.

"I'm fine. Where are you? " She asked.

"I'm on my way to you. We have something to discuss." He said.

Enzo dragged uncle benji downstairs to the basement. The telephone rung and he hurried to answer it. "Hello. "

"Hey enzo how is my uncle and brighton doing?" Bonnie asked.

"They're fine. He is actually trying to put brighton back to sleep." He lied.

"Awe. Well tell him to call me back ok? " She said.

"Will do." He said then hung up. Enzo went upstairs to brighton room. He begin packing brighton things.

Elena buzzed the nurse into the room. "I'm ready to leave now!"

"The doctor have to releash you." She said.

"I said now!" Elena yelled.

The nurse tried calming her down but elena started biting her on the neck. Then threw her body to the side. She escapes the hospital and went home.

"Caroline, i haven't been honest with you." Stefan said.

"Did you burn something?" She asked.

"No. It's nothing like that i made a huge mistake awhile back." He said.

"What did you do?" She asked.

"I had sex with elena." He said.

"Stefan no." She said tearing up.

"It meant nothing. I was stupid and i hurt you. I'm sorry." He said

Caroline smacks him across the face.

"Elena, i know this is very complicated for you. So im giving you a way out." Damon said.

"A way out of what?" She asked.

"This marriage. We can get a annulment because it shouldn't happened." He said.

"Damon what are you saying to me? You're leaving me for bonnie. Is that it?" She ranted.

"I had wanted to be your husband what seems like a lifetime ago, elena. But bonnie came in my life. I thought i was going to build a life with her. A life i didn't know would mean so much to have." He explained.

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