Chapter 76

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"Hi bonnie." Elena spoken to try easing the tension

"Damon. Can you and Stefan give me and Elena a moment?" Bonnie responded

"Yeah sure. I have something important to show you Stefan in the kitchen." Damon said

Bonnie waited to the room was clear.

"Bonnie,I know you must hate me but i-" Elena started

"You had three years and several months to explain yourself,Elena. This is my turn and you will not ruin it by what you think i wanted to say to you!" Bonnie declared

Elena nodded

"You knew damon was my husband like you knew enzo kidnapped our son. You are just as guilty and backstabbing as he was. Don't pretend to be innocent for a second!" Bonnie said

"Damon was my boyfriend when you stole him away from me." Elena retorted

"You told us both to move on with our lives. We never hooked up to betray you. You betrayed me and caroline. We were your best friends,bitch." Bonnie snapped

"I had no control over my actions when i woke up. Enzo was there brainwashing me about you and damon. He must've linked my spirit to katherines. I'm sorry for what i did." She said

"I don't believe you. The friendship we once shared will never be again." Bonnie said

"I need you in my life bonnie." Elena cried

"I don't need you." Bonnie retorted

Elena walked toward her trying to touch her but bonnie slapped her hard across the face. "Don't you ever touch me or my husband again. Now you get the hell outta my house right now before you make me more angry than i am." Bonnie said

Stefan and Damon were standing in the kitchen doorway witnessing  what Bonnie just did. Elena ran upstairs to get Stephanie.

"I'm sorry for bringing her here bonnie." Stefan said

"None of this is your fault. I needed this to be over and now it is." Bonnie said taking a glass from Damon's hand.

They watched Stefan and Elena leave then went upstairs to brighton. "Mommy and daddy has a big surprise for our little man". Bonnie said

"Really?" Brighton retorted

"Yeah buddy. Daddy and mommy going to take you to the cabin where we going to be fishing,swimming and canoodling." She said

"Yay!" Brighton jumped into Bonnie arm's.

Damon and Bonnie stared at each other. After putting brighton down for his nap,Damon and bonnie went to their room. "You really going to let him swim?" Damon asked

"He's going to have his life jacket on and well be there. I think this family needs time away from everything." Bonnie said

"What about Caroline's bachelorette party?" Damon asked

"I have officially planned it and the date. This trip won't be that long just a few days." She said

"I know the real reason why you want to get away,bon. It's the fight you had with elena." Damon retorted

"I don't talk about that." She said

"I'm your husband and we should be able to talk about Elena without it being awkward." He teased

"Of course it's awkward for you." She said

"This might come to a surprise to you but im perfectly fine talking about her. I did have a crush on her best friend." He said

"Really? When?" She asked

"Well before i got into a relationship with Elena and i came to this town. I thought you were incredibly hot." He confessed

"And there i was thinking how much a sleazy guy you were." She teased

"You totally had the hots for me. We had this undeniable burning passion going on." He said

"Oh shut up." She said giggling throwing a pillow at him.

"Admit it. You found me sexy." He said crawling on the bed to her side and kissing her.

"You are very attractive damon but you're ego was blocking it." She said

"What about now?" He asked

"I can over look it i guess."She said laughing

"Awe bonnie." He moaned into her ear. They begin kissing

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