Chapter 60

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Bonnie and Damon went door to door in her neighborhood to ask questions about if anyone seen someone else with Brighton. Everyone declined to speak with them except for one elderly lady. "I have been home all day and seen you also your boyfriend with that baby". She said

"What time you think you seen us? " Bonnie asked

"I saw you around nine in the morning". She answered

"I wasn't home at nine". Bonnie said

"Did you see enzo alone? " Damon asked

"Maybe he was taking the baby to you. Or i could be wrong. My eyes have been playing tricks on me dear". The elderly lady said

"I knew enzo was shady. If he has our son i will kill him,bon". Damon said

"She isn't sure and enzo was here for a little while. I don't think he would do this to me". Bonnie said

"He's doing it to us both. He wanted you for himself since day one open your eyes. If you think about it our family got split up because of him". Damon said

"Damon, I know it's not easy for you to trust anyone but i know enzo was in my house for awhile before going back to work". Bonnie said

Klaus entered Caroline's hospital room. "Hey my love".

"What are you doing here?" She asked

"I heard about the accident it's all over the news. I wanted to see if you were okay". He said

"Don't you have anything else to do?" She asked

"Nothing that's more important than you!" He said

Caroline smiled a bit.

"Brighton is missing". Stefan said

"What?" Elena said

"My nephew is missing. I gotta go but this is far from over". He said

Elena picked up the phone to call Damon.

"This isn't the right time". He answered

"I just wanted to tell you something before you hear it from someone else" She said

"What?" He said

Before elena could say anything enzo showed up dress as a doctor. "Hang up that phone now! "

Elena hung up.

"You're going to help me make this kid disappear forever right now! " He said

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