Chapter 2: I Swear I Will Sucker Punch You

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"Kira I'm having some of the guys over!" I hear my brother's voice echo up the stairs.

"So do me a favor and don't come out of your room!"

"Whatever you want my dearest brother!" I shout back sarcastically. It's not like I'd actually want to go out and see a bunch of hormonal teenage boys all while I'm in my pajamas.

Keeping that in mind I throw on some grey sweatpants and an overly large t-shirt― my typical outfit― while taking my hair out of its braid. Plopping on my bed with an old book I continue to read my favorite part to clear my mind of the day's events.

About an hour and ten chapters later my stomach begins to grumble and I immediately realize how hungry I am. I heard the annoying teen boys come in my house about thirty minutes ago and hope that they're in the newly finished basement by now doing whatever the heck teen boys do.

Slipping out of my room, I tiptoe down the stairs, my sweatpants hanging loosely around my ankles making me nearly fall down the stairs. Praying that no one is in the kitchen, I stalk through my house as if it weren't my own. Hearing voices and shouting in the basement, I sigh and nearly skip to the kitchen in search for some precious Nutella.

Swerving into the new kitchen it takes me around five minutes to finally find my little version of heaven on earth. It took one week straight for my family of three to finally unpack everything, plates, cups, silverware, all of it are placed in foreign spots in the kitchen. I remember my old house back in Texas extremely well, even though the witness protection program told us to tell anyone who asks that we're from New York. I know this place won't last, he'll find us, and when he does he'll either succeed, or we'll be gone like the wind once again.

After shoving enough food into my pie hole to fill a family of four, I finally decide to make my way back to my room before any of the boys come up. Sprinting up the stairs I stop mid-step as I realize a tall figure in my room staring at something on my dresser as I stalk into my room.

"Who are you?" the words come out of my mouth before I think. I should've said something along the lines of, Why are you in my room? or Get out of my room? The figure turns his head and flashes me a perfect smile, his golden brown hair falls into his eyes and I immediately know who the stranger is. Jesse.

"The name's Jesse," he extends his hand with a slight southern accent laced in his words. I glare down at his gesture and then my eyes slowly travel up his body, admiring every curve of his tall figure, that is until I get to his dark green eyes which I remember as black but up close I realize now they're a dark forest green.
"What are you doing in my room?" my voice comes out cold and demanding, which seems to entertain him because his smirk turns into a full-on grin and he lets out a short laugh.

"Well aren't you the spicy type?" he muses down at me. I just raise my eyebrows at him, waiting for an actual response. He rolls his eyes his smile faltering slightly, "I was looking for the bathroom and got lost."
"Last time I checked my bedroom didn't have a toilet in it, now get out," I growl lowly. I was already PMSing I didn't need this guy to make me crankier, and from what I've heard about him he's the last person I'd want in my room.

"Make me," his words hold something almost playful but at the same time set up a challenge.
"Excuse me?" my voice raises an octave as I stare at him in shock. Soon his chest is right in my face and he towers over me, eyes boring into mine, "Make me," he says through a mischievous smile.

"If this is how you flirt with girls, no wonder you're single," I muse at him and his smile falls while a grin dances along my face as I know I've hit some sort of nerve. Soon his scowl is turned into a mocking pout and he recovers from the small insult.
"Aww that really hurt my feelings," he cries with amusement dancing along his face.

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