Chapter 53: The Dead Doppelganger

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Despite this being the first night I finally get to sleep on an actual bed that feels like it's made of clouds and kittens I still find myself staring wide-eyed at the blank ceiling; a habit I've seemed to form whenever I need to get sleep. There's something that just feels so off about sleeping alone like this, Naomi and Katie took the other bed together saying how I looked a little sick after dinner and that I would need the most sleep. Jokes on me apparently I forgot how to sleep.

Sitting up slowly and letting out a quiet breath I glance over to see that Naomi and Katie are absolutely past out in what appears to be some sort of heavenly trance as both of them wear small sleepy smiles. I slide one leg over and out of the bed while the other is quick to follow and soon I'm making my way towards the large window that covers half the wall. Slidding the curtains back I take in a calm breath while staring out at the lit up city. Life buzzes in Austin even at this time of night making me feel as if I could never be alone here. Back in South Dakota the second the sun goes down it was as if the entire neighborhood was asleep already while here there's no such thing as sleep, everyone's to busy for that.

Yet here I am, needing nothing but a good night's sleep staring out at a city at one in the morning dreaming of staying here forever. That's when I remember what Jesse said to me earlier about colleges here. I've never really given my future much thought, I never really knew I had one for that matter. But if this whole thing gets taken care of and we do go back to South Dakota to finish up high school, then college is literally right after that. A future is right after that, and maybe even a future with Jesse.

I subconsiously let out a sigh as I think of him and get an odd longing feeling, I know he's in the room right next door but at the same time it feels like he's miles away compared to when we'd all sleep in the van together. Gnawing at my lip I begin to debate with myself on what I should do, I could risk waking everyone up by simply going into the other room but at the same time they do look rather tired. Turning around I realize I've made my decision and tip toe towards the connecting door.

My hands grip the cold metal nob as I turn it slowly and push the door ever so lightly making an obnoxious squeaking noise. Holding my breath and every muscle in my body I turn back to look at the two girls to see they're still sleeping soundly. Then I push the door just enough for me to slide in and gently close it behind me as I glance around the room in search for Jesse's sleeping silhouette. I pass my brother who's sleeping soundly closest to the door, and then John who got stuck with the cot on the floor. Apparently he doesn't understand the consept of, heads I win tails you lose, unlike Jesse.

That's when I spot Jesse on the far bed closest to the window, he's laying on his stomach with one hand firmly gripping his pillow as if he were having some sort of nightmare. Standing over Jesse I realize how completely creepy and horrendous it would be if he just woke up right now and saw me hovering over him like some cliche vampire movie. Kneeling beside his bed so my head rests right on the edge of it I gently poke his shoulder and quickly realize that that's going to do absolutely nothing.

Gripping onto his shoulder more firmly I shake him a little harder until his eyes snap open and he inhales sharply. At first Jesse's eyes move around his field of vision frantically until they finally freeze on me and he let's out a small sigh as his ragged breaths become steady.
"Kira?" Jesse whispers almost out of breath. Suddenly I completely forget what I'm doing here or why I woke him up in the first place and can only blink at him.
"Are you... ok?" he questions skeptically and reality hits me.
"I can't sleep," I murmur and his eyes soften a bit while his face turns from confused to concerned.

"Come here," he scoots back in the bed and lifts the quilt so I can scoot in right next to him. I slide my body right next to his and bury my head in his chest as the world suddenly turns right side up again. We don't say anything but instead sit in a sleepy silence as our breaths become in sync and his head stays tucked above mine and I finally feel safe for the first time in what feels like a lifetime.

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