Chapter 23: This is Why You Don't Stick Your Body Out the Window

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"A tree?" Rico asks.
"Nope," Ed responds.
"The grass?"
"The sky?"
"Rico the sky isn't even green."
"How about..." Rico rolls down the window and sticks his head out all the way looking around as the wind makes tears stream down his face.
"For goodness sake Rico it's your shirt!" Ed shouts, "I spy your shirt!" Rico's head snaps down to look at his shirt and a look of realization cross his face, "Oh..." he murmurs.

"You ready for the last week of school pipsqueak?" Jesse turns to me with a smile as he drives down the brightly shone road.
"Technically we have two weeks left," I point out and Jesse lets out a long groan as his shades show my reflection in them blocking me from his captivating eyes.
"Technically we have AP testing this week and then finals next week but, I only have AP and you only have AP and one final which means we technically only have one week left of school," Jesse states nodding his head. I let out a short laugh at his trimuphant grin before turning to look in the back to make sure that Ed and Rico are still alive. Due to Macey's constant complaints about riding with her brother we decided to switch up the seating arangements and sadly we got stuck with Dumb and Dumber.

"What are you two doing?" I shout as I watch them stick half their torsos out the window. Ed tucks his head in for merely a second before responding, "We wanted to know why dogs like it so much, it's so much fun!" he exclaims before shoving his body out of the expensive car once more.
"Guys get in the car you're going to get me pulled me over!" Jesse shouts while looking in the rear view mirror.
"Really I thought you'd like some alone time with your girlfriend," Rico's head suddenly appears right in between the driver's seat and passengers seat as Jesse and I both leap in surprise.
"We're not dating Rico," Jesse breathes out.
"Yeah ok," Rico wiggles his eyebrows at the two of us while I roll my eyes and begin to look out the window only to see Rico's body flailing with the wind once more.

Suddenly the sound of sirens meets our ears and the two boys fly into the car ASAP but not before Jesse pulls over to hopefully let the police car pass. Instead of it zooming by us like we were all praying for it pulls over right behind us.
"Shit thanks a lot guys!" Jesse shouts at Rico and Ed who are currently staring at the officer who's  approaching us.
"This is why you don't stick your body out the window!" Jesse shouts right before the cop taps on my window and I slowly roll it down.
"License and registration please," he asks in a thick Mexican accent.

"Pablo?" Rico's voice echoes from behind us and the officers head snaps up to look at Rico ripping his sun glasses of his face to reveal dark chocolate eyes.
"RICO!" he cheers and before I know it Rico is throwing himself over me and attempting at crawling out the window.
"Rico," I complain as his butt waves in my face and hips rest on the window. I hastily shove the door open in an attempt to get him off me but instead he just clings to the door and opens with it, half his body on one end of the door and the other half on the other end. Eventually he just falls onto his face with his legs flailing in the air and his face smooshed on the ground.

"Rico!" Pablo shouts again.
"Pablo!" Rico echoes and throws himself on the police officer in a huge hug. They begin speaking in Spanish and the only words I catch onto are Macey and then when he motions to us, amigos.
"I should've known you were the one sticking yourself out the window I taught you that!" he exclaims before they both burst out into laughter.
"Hey Rico," I chirp, "Sorry to interrupt but we're going to miss the showing if you stay here any longer."

"Showing?" Pablo asks. Rico's face suddenly lights up, "Can Pablo come with us?" Rico asks.
"I'm sorry who is Pablo?" Ed asks from the back seat.
"Oh right, Pablo is my cousin's husband!" Rico cheers and we all nod our heads slowly.
"Shouldn't you be working?" I ask skeptically and he shrugs.
"I'll be off in about ten minutes," he grins.

"Fine by me," Jesse shrugs, "As long as I don't get a ticket," he whispers the last part only for me to hear and a smile tugs at my lips as I smirk at him. The next thing I know Pablo is wedged between Ed and Rico and we're driving off leaving the cop car wherever Pablo parked it to most likely get a ticket. Oh the irony.

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