Chapter 35: Come Back You Little...

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The sun beats down on my shoulders as I squint to look at the players scurrying around on the field, my eyes see a blond figure standing on the side line and I smile as I realize Jesse is going to go in again. My pulse races and I watch the ball go from one of our players to the other and finally to Jesse who boots the ball down the field and suddenly his team mate is jumping in the air headering the ball into the net.

Our side of the staduim erupts in cheers as the score goes up 2-0, while the staduim to the right of us begins to boo obnoxiously loud in anger and hate. Mrs. Wolf quickly turns to the staduim next to us and shouts in her southern accent, "At least we didn't have to pay off the refs to get this far!" Never in my life have I heard over 70 people go from screaming to dead silence as they all stare at Jesse's mother in shock and a bit of humilation.
"Nice mom," Lukas mutters as he pulls Jasmine closer to his chest with John on the other side of him and Naomi on the other side of Jasmine.

Pretty soon I'm talking away a strom with John about how horrible the refs are and he just sits and listens with an amused smirk on his face as I rant to him.
"What the heck that was not a foul!" I shout only to have John's hand slapped over my mouth.
"Even if they can hear you, and they most likely can't, they won't listen," John explains, "Now come on I think it's time you get a concession break," he sighs.

Grumbling a bit more about the refs I stand and follow John out towards the concession stands as the smell of food becomes more and more potent making my stomach growl. We trot off of the bleachers side by side and make small talk as dark greasy hair meets my view I let my feet stop and my body tense as I stare in disgust.

"What?" John questions once he sees my repulsed look, "Is there like a queen bee around or somethin'?" he questions lifting his head to see better.
"No just... " I mutter only to be interrupted.
"Kira," a voice states from behind me and I whip around to see the one and only Jase, hair greasy as ever, smile disgusting as normal, and pale eyes paler than usual.
"What do you want Jase?" I grumble and feel John scoot closer to my side as he eyes Jase.

"What? I can't say hi to my little cousin's girlfriend?" Jase tease.
"If you're calling Jesse little then what does that make you?" John retorts as he stares at Jase's mostly scrawny figure. Jase is quick to scowl as he eyes John up and down, "Who the hell do you think you are talking to me like that?" Jase spits out, "My dad is the principal and..."
"And what?" I interrupt while crossing my arms, "You're going to expel a 26 year old man because he hurt your feelings?" I watch as a smile crawls onto John's face and a deep scowl forms on Jase's, I was having a pretty good day until I saw this dimwit, what the hell is he doing here anyway?

Flipping back around with John on my heals I quickly shout over my shoulder, "It's a shame we didn't see you at the wedding! Did you get your new toy pregnant and were  to embarrassed to come alone?" I watch as Jase's jaw drops while people's heads turn to look at the fuming boy as I'm now at a safe distance of ten feet from him. John chuckles from next to me as he guides me over to the concession stand, the second we get there I make my order of a hot dog and fries and then John makes his order of nearly everything on the menu before we turn back to the game.

Resting our elbows on the fence we watch Jesse get the ball, dribbling straight towards the goal, cheering begins to erupt in our stadium when someone on the opposing team suddenly slams in to Jesse making them both hurtle to the ground. The stadium suddenly gasps and it's mostly silent except for the whispers around us, "Oh my gosh is he ok?" I breathe as I stare at Jesse whose yet to get up.

"Yellow card!" someone shouts, I turn my head to agree with them when suddenly I see they're wearing the opposing teams shirt.
"Yeah give the kid a yellow card!" another one shouts and soon they begin to chant it just as Jesse is standing up.
"What the hell is wrong with you people it was clear your player ran over ours!" I find myself screaming making them turn their heads towards me.
"Like you know a thing about soccer," a parent sneers at me.

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