Chapter 49: Sheets of Rain

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"Kira!?" John's worried voice shouts down the hall making Chris's head shoot upwards. The next thing I know Chris's hand is grabbing mine and he's bolting out the door dragging me with him. He breaks out into a full sprint across the parking lot with me a half a foot behind him, our hands still locked together.
"Chris wait!" I shout at him but he doesn't slow down, instead he pushes his legs further, faster than mine can. Sharp pain shoots up my toes and suddenly meets my elbows and knees as I come crashing down onto the asphalt.

Chris throws himself down on the ground next to me, attempting at getting me back up and running again but I shove him off of me.
"Chris stop!" I scream at him but other voices reach his ears first as his head snaps up and mine turns to see the others sprinting towards us in a frenzy.
"Run!" Chris shouts at me before botling off in the opposite direction.
"Chris no!" my screams echo and the next thing I know John is kneeling beside me.

"Are you ok? What the hell is going on!?" John shouts at me in a panic, his go lucky personality thrown out the window and replaced with the trained soldier he is.
"I think Chris is having a physchotic episode, he thinks that Christopher is here!" I shout back as I feel my stomach flip and turn in fear. John's and my head both fly upwards as the sound of a car slamming on their breaks meets our ears.
"Chris!" John shouts as I let out a painful scream at the sight of my brother bolting across an intersection.

"Kira!" Jesse's voice makes my head turn back and see Naomi and Katie right on his tail while he throws himself towards me.
"Are you ok?" his eyes scan my body and that's when I also glance down at myself to see my knee is gushing blood and both my elbows are scraped up pretty bad.
"Yeah I'm fine, it's Chris I'm worried about, he's having an episode," as I say this I turn my gaze to Katie who looks like she's about to cry.

"I'll pull up the van, then we'll follow John and Chris," Naomi states as she sprints off in the direction of where we parked.
"How is this happening?" Katie whimpers out as tears spill over in her eyes.
"He must've forgotten to take his medication―" I sigh.
"No! I was with him when he took it he shouldn't be having this," Katie shakes her head and I swallow a sob that's about to escape my throat. Not Chris, this can't be happening to Chris. He doesn't deserve this, Katie doesn't deserve this, Naomi, John, and Jesse all don't deserve this either.

"What did we do," I whimper out as Jesse wraps his arms around me to help me stand, "What did we do to deserve this?" I stare at Jesse with fear-filled eyes as I try to comprehend my own question. Jesse opens his mouth for a second as if to answer but his head quickly turns to the van that's now right beside us.
"C'mon," Jesse hoists me up in his arms although I still have complete mobility of my legs.

Before we can even close the door Naomi is speeding off towards the intersection that we last saw John head through.
"Shit!" Naomi screams as rain starts to pour blurring our vision of the street. Whipping out the phone we only use for emergencies Naomi dials John's emergency phone just for it to ring from right next to her.
"How are we going to find them?" I question as panic erupts around us.

"He went this way right?" Naomi questions as she makes a sharp turn.
"I thought he went straight!" Jesse voices and soon we're all scrambling around the windows trying to get a better view of outside.
"You can't see a damn thing in this rain," Naomi mutters to herself as it begins to fall harder and thicker.

"Kira," Katie whispers and my head snaps in her direction, "What's the worst that can happen?" I know she's not used to this kind of life and I know that she doesn't know half as much as I do about schizophrenia but at the same time the options seem limitless of what could happen to Chris. He could get hit by a car, especially in this weather, we could lose him, physically or mentally. He might turn on us and attack us, he might turn into my father.

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