Chapter 57: The Fourth of July Part 1

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Today is the day. It's finally the Fourth of July. I tie the red bandana tighter around my head as I adjust my white tank and light blue shorts. The Fourth of July was always amazing in Texas, the patriotism and love for America runs deep here and that's one of the things I always loved about it.

"You ready?" I turn around to see Jesse leaning on the door frame with an American flag as his shirt and a bandana like mine wrapped around his head.
"Yup," I give him my best smile as I appraoch him. It seems we've been distanct since we've received the news about my father, even last night I took the couch because we technically didn't have an adult to supervise and I also needed time to think.

"Excited?" he asks while slipping his hand in mine in an attmept to break whatever ice that's froze between us.
"Very excited," I smile up at him with the feeling of everything between us melting away. Maybe if I just talked to him about my father's capture a little more I'd feel better, but then again there's nothing really much to say. He's been caught and we can carry on with our lives.

The idea still perplexes me and everytime I think about it the same fear that's consumed me for the past four years comes crawling back into my chest.
"What about you? Are you excited for a good old Texan Fourth of July?" I quirk an eyebrow up at him as we make our way down the stairs.
"Heck yeah," he states with a large grin.

"Hey love birds you comin'?" we hear Chris shout from the kitchen just as we waltz in.
"Oh," Chris mumbles, "You ready for the drive into town?" Jesse and I both nod our heads as the four of us walk out towards the van that looks like a small piece of home. Chris decides to drive with Katie in the passenger's seat while Jesse and I hop comfortably in the back.

The car ride is silent with occasional small talk and I begin to get a deep feeling irking on the inside of my chest that something just isn't right.
"Jesse," I breathe out as my head falls onto his shoulder, "What's going to happen after this?"
"What do you mean? We'll go home soon, probably tomorrow the first flight if you want," Jesse seems to try to cheer me up but the unsettled feeling in my chest never leaves.

"Okay," I sigh while my eyes begin to wilt slowly.


Loud screaming and cheering fills the air like oxygen as the parade continues on. My legs stay locked on Jesse's shoulders so I can see over the monstrous crowd of red, white, and blue. People of all shapes and sizes have gathered in Austin to see this parade that's been going on for at least an hour now and my mood has lightened immensely in that time.

A large herd of people on horseback doing dangerous and daunting tricks pass us making the four of us cheer even louder causing my voice to crack a few times.
"USA! USA! USA!" the chanting begins and I feel like I'm at some sort of international sports event with everyone screaming.

"Kira!" Chris shouts from below me as Katie rests next to me on his shoulders. Chris hands me another Pepsi, my third one today actually, and I pop it open. Except right as I pop the cap open Pepsi goes squirting everywhere, from me, to Jesse, to the other people surrounding us. I let out a loud squeal as I drop the can the 7 feet or so, onto the ground. Some people shout in irritation while others just laugh it off and the next thing I know Jesse's hands are on my hips and he's hoisitng me off his shoulders.

"You jerk," I slap Chris on the chest once I'm on the ground again causing him to let out a belting laugh at my Pepsi colored tank top that was once white. I glance over to look at Jesse just to see his hair has strands of brown now and his American shirt to be dripping with Pepsi.
"There's a clothes store selling some Fourth of July stuff a block down, you want to go get a new shirt?" Jesse offers taking my hand in his so the crowds don't force us apart.
"Yeah," I shout over the noise and we inform Chris and Katie to meet us by the van in thirty minutes.

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