Chapter 33: There's a Bug in my Salad!

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"A salad?" Jesse asks morbidly as he hears what I order.
"Oh don't worry I'll end up eating half your pasta anyway," I grin mischievously and he frowns, "Plus I hear this place's salads are amazing and you're the fit freak over here I thought you'd be proud of me," I pout and he lets out a sigh.
"I just run that does not make me a fit freak," he groans and I grin up at him as he glances down at me.
"Speaking of which when does your soccer season end?" I question while making an origami hat with my napkin.

"Well since we won state we're going onto regionals and if we win that then we're done cause we don't bother going to nationals," he shrugs as he watches me put my origami hat on his head. It's tiny compared to his head and he just stares at me blankly while blinking a few times, "Have I ever told you that you're one of the most mature girls I've ever met," he quirks an eyebrow up and I grin triumphantly at his annoyance.

"Hey Jess, nice hat!" I hear John comment from across the restaurant getting the attention of a couple of people with and Naomi begins laughing across from him. Jesse only scowls before gently picking up the napkin with two fingers and placing it in front of me.

"I'm hungry," I whine as I stare at the ceiling.
"Have you always been this childish?" Jesse questions while taking a sip from his water looking all too sophisticated.
"Nope I guess you're just rubbing off on me," I grin and pick my glass up clinking it to his before gulping down some water.
"I don't know you tell me, I mean you are the mastermind after all, when and why do I act childish?" I test him as I sit back in my seat.

"Well you usually act like this when you're either extremely excited or extremely happy, either way I'm glad you're acting childish," he smirks and his face lights up in a split second at something behind me. My head snaps back to see if it is the one thing I want most right now and sure enough a salad is placed in front of me and pasta in front of Jesse. The second the waiter leaves my eyes scan the salad and then snap up to Jesse who looks just as excited as me.

Bowing our heads we quickly say Grace and the moment we mutter, "Amen," the fork is in my hand and food in my mouth. Soon we're both quiet as neither one of us can talk due to the amount of food in our mouths and with much reluctance Jesse let's me try his pasta as he takes a bite of my salad. I hum as I shove the salad in my mouth and soon my stomach mumbles in content just as I have a small amount of salad left that I plan to take home.

"So was it good?" Jesse questions as he finishes the last of his pasta, dang that boy eats a lot.
"Was it good?" I repeat, "It was amazing in fact I think we'll have to drive into the city every day just for this." Jesse lets out a low chuckle while shaking his head, "Are you ready to get the bill and leave?" he asks.
"One sec I think I'm going to go to the bathroom," I drop the napkin off of my lap and onto the table as Jesse stares at it still in hat form.

Skipping towards the bathroom I realize I'm the only one in here and happily use the restroom. Once I begin to wash my hands out of the corner of my eye I see something black moving and let out a short squeal as I see the beetle flying around my face. Right as I'm about to kill it an idea comes to mind, a very stupid and immature idea. Perfect.

Grabbing a paper towel I wrap the bug carefully in it, praying that it doesn't escape as I quickly realize I have no pockets to put it in. Hesitantly, I put the small piece of paper towel into my bra and know that if this beetle escapes I'm beyond screwed. Suspiciously walking out of the bathroom I glide over to the table and grin at Jesse who holds more mischief in his eyes than before.
"Have you gotten the bill yet?" I ask and he just shakes his head as a small smile graces his lips, "No why?" he asks.

"Once my father hacked into my mother's card while we were at a restaurant and he used up all of her money, my mother didn't know about it until she got an email saying she had no money left in her account. Well I was 14 at the time and Chris was 15 so we were panicking until my mom walked outside to get some 'fresh air', she plopped a bug in her meal and we got the entire thing free," I shrug and Jesse lets out a short laugh while shaking his head.
"I'm assuming she's where you get all of your tricks from?" Jesse questions and I grin while sliding the piece of paper towel out of my bra.

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