Chapter 30: He's Going to Kill Us All of Us

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"Oh look at my sweet child," he turns to me and I feel my vision blur and legs sway.
"No," I breathe out my voice hoarse and bitter, "You aren't here, you can't be," I choke out shaking my head. I watch as he stands right in front of my bathroom, straight ahead of me and he gently places one foot directly in front of the other as he approaches me like a predator. He wears a devious smile that can only mean he knows I'm trapped and he'll get what he wants one way or another, I just hope it's not my life that he wants. His pale green eyes rest dead in his eyes, his head twitches to the side every moment as if shaking out a voice in his head.

"You were always my favorite," he coos as he stands five feet in front of me and I straighten myself out, ready to run at any given moment if he gets too close.
"I guess that's why I came to you first," in a split second his eyes darken to a deadly tone and his mood does a 180⁰, from joyfully devious to dangerously destructive.

His smile twists into a demented scowl and his eyes burn brightly with an unknown power, the same way a villain's face would look in a comic. In a single moment his body is in front of mine, towering over me at the same height of my brother, the resemblance between the two of them scares me beyond belief but there is one trait that makes them distinctly different, Chris would die for us, while Christopher wants us to die.

"Kira Jones I'm going to give you a choice, come with me and we can stop your mother from killing you and your brother and after that be rejoined with Chris so that we can be a family again," he speaks sweetly as his calloused and cold hand grazes my cheek sending sharp bolts of ice down my spine, "or side with you mother and see what consequences you may face," his voice is cold as ice and just as sharp, his breathe like a taste of winter and everything about him reminds me of cold, death, and destruction. Everything about him is cold, death, and destruction.

I stare at the man who was once my father, his pale eyes are hallow, each breathe he takes seems to suck the life out of him, and then there's his entire being as a whole, the being that lurks into my nightmares. I want to speak to him, but the words get lodged in my throat and instead we sit in a stare down as every malice filled word I'd dreamt of screaming at him leaves my mind and my soul becomes frozen just at one look at him.

"First off, " I breathe, "My name isn't Kira Jones, it's Kira Brand and second off, I would rather die than stand by your side," I spit the words out with a new type of venom. Looking up  at the man who's ruined my life, haunted me in the night and in the day, he's the reason I can't have my happily ever after and he should know that from the depths of me I hate him.
"You killed my real father, you're nothing to me but a murderer who's ruined my life and my family," I growl out the words I've been waiting three years to say. Never in my life would I have thought I would finally say it to his face, especially when he could end my life in a mere second.

The feeling of a large arm slamming into my collarbone and my back being crushed into a wall forces a scream of pain out of me which eventually turns into a scream of pure terror as I thrash at my father who pins me to the wall. With a rabid look in his eyes, I watch as demons dance in them like a summer parade.
"Get off me!" I scream as I claw at him, he let's out a vicious and animalistic shout as my nail gets lodged in his face and I scrape and bite at him. My instincts seem to kick in as I go all out animal on him, suddenly I hear banging on the door and shouts as the dresser blockading my wall begins to shake and wobble.

Christopher lets out an outrage shout, staring deeply into his hallowed out eyes I see something much more than a murderer but the devil himself, soon I'm thrown across the room and into my walk in closet with the door slammed shut. Leaping up I wiggle the handle and bang on the now locked door. Screaming and banging I pray that Chris and Jesse don't get in my room, because if they do they'll be meeting a deadly surprise. The sound of my dresser falling meets my ears as I scream louder and bang on my door with my whole body praying that Christopher has left.

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