Chapter 42: We're Courting Now

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"Holy shit gimme some of dat," I murmur and stab at my brother's crab cake and force the seafood into my mouth despite his protests. I let out a long moan making Chris kick me from under the table, "You know I think mom should've told you to stop making out with your food instead of telling you to stop playing with it," Chris grumbles and moves his food closer to him for safety.
"But it's so good!" I exclaim and my eyes travel down to my plate which is empty then move over to Jesse who still has a small amount of African Lobster tail left.

I glance at Jesse and stare at him with beady eyes waiting for the perfect moment to steal a bite of his lobster tail.
"Ok I can feel your eyes on me," he states before turning to look at me with raised brows. I simply stare at him with the best begging eyes I can put on before glancing down at his food like some poor dog. Finally Jesse lets out a long sigh and instead of giving me his food like I'd half hoped for he assured a waiter over to us and makes another order just for me.

"Are you happy now?" he asks in a soft tone as if talking to a child, and me being the child I am shows off a large grin before nodding.
"I heard about this huge night time party going on at a nearby beach," Chris states, his sunburn magically turning into a tan already after about an hour possibly because of the aloe. I mean he still looks as red as the lobster tail on Jesse's plate but now he looks a little more crisp now.
"Kira," Chris snaps his fingers in front of my face knocking me out of my short trans, "You guys want to go?"

My mind sweeps over the idea for a moment, a bunch of teenagers at night in an ocean. All I'm hearing is a buffet for sharks to come and gobble all of us giving us quite the untimely death.
"No thank you," I comment right as my food is suddenly placed in front of me, "Oh thank you!" I thank the waiter as he places the lobster in front of me and I'm quick to dig in.


The stars dance along the sky like a perfect painting and I'm left staring with my jaw slightly agape as the soft sand underneath my body begins to cool due to the late time. Jesse's arm pulls me closer to his chest and the soft hum of Naomi typing on her computer a few yards back is the only non-nature sound to be heard.

Kate, John, and Chris all left to go to the swimming party while Jesse and Naomi both agreed to stay behind with me on an abandoned side of the beach with few lights making the stars pop from the sky.
"You know I'm surprised you didn't want to go to the party," I quirk an eyebrow up at Jesse in the dark as his arm wraps around me securely in his arms.
"Nah California girls aren't really my type," he grins down at me, "I'd prefer the Texan, South Dakotan, Coloradan..." he struggles to remember all the places I've lived and I let out a small laugh.
"You know I also lived in California for a month right?" I ask and his head quirks to the side before a grin overcomes his face.
"Then I guess I fricken love California girls," he smirks as he pulls me close to him on the sand and attacks my lips with his.

As our lips stay locked together I can't help the smile that grows onto my face forcing the kiss to subside. Jesse gnaws at his bottom lip for a second before he let's out a small laugh too, it seems it was another one of those laughs where you're just so happy smiling isn't enough. Turning to the side of him Jesse pulls out my brother's guitar from next to him and my eyebrows shoot up as he places it in his lap ready to play.

"You play the guitar?" I question as I watch him fumble with his hand's position for moment.
"Only a few songs, and when I say a few I mean only a few," he grins up at me, "Jasper taught me a song that he would always play for his girlfriend when he was 16," he struggles with the first few chords at first but soon as he plays the song further I recognize the tune.
"Wise men say, only fools rush in but I can't help falling in love with you," I sing along as I notice he's refusing to sing along to his own melody.

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