Chapter 47: Milkshakes and Mamas

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The rain pours down from the sky covering every inch of the ocean and every inch of the beach. Sand sticks to my bare feet as we sprint down the now soggy beach back to where we believe our van to be, not that we're actually able to see where we're going due to the thick coat of rain in front of our faces. Gripping tightly to Jesse's hand in fear of it slipping out of his grasp I finally pull him to a stop.

Despite the thick sheet of rain between our faces I can still see his golden hair, now brown sticking to his forehead and a look of confusion drawn on his face. I feel my heart beat against my ribs as if it were trapped in a cage and begging for release and in a sudden moment I feel Jesse's face cupped in my hands as I pull him towards me in for a kiss in the Georgian rain.

As our lips would move against each other's with the rain slipping down our bodies I can't help but think of all the times I'd dreamed about this moment, the perfect moment, the perfect kiss, the perfect person. And today it seems they're all rolled into one, here and now with the rain padding on our bodies and Jesse right next to me I can't help but form a new dream in my head. I dream that I'll never wake up, that I'll be right here with Jesse locked in passion and in some sort of nostalgical love forever. My father doesn't exist, neither does Ryan or my mother or even my friends and brother. It's just Jesse and it's just me.


My body shivers in an attempt to warm itself as Chris tosses me two more blankets from the back and I throw them around my now dry pair of clothes that cover my body. Jesse's sleeping silhouette rests next to me as his soft snores fill the stuffy air around us along with a few rumbles from my stomach.

"Naomi, John," I call up to the front as John's eyes stay focused on the road and his sandy brown hair seems a lot longer than it did when we first started the trip, it falls just passed his ears and I watch as Naomi brushes a strand out of his eyes.
"Yeah Kir?" John responds and glances in the rearview mirror at Jesse and I.
"When are we going to eat my stomach's got the rumbles," I question while pulling the blankets tighter around me. Who would've guessed that I'd need so many blankets in Georgia?

"I saw a small resturant around the corner earlier, we can stop there," he calls back and Katie mummbles a 'oh thank God' as she holds onto her stomach. I glance at Jesse once more to make sure he's sound asleep before sliding in next to Katie and wedging myself between her and Chris with a sly grin on my face as my brother lets out an aggrivated sigh.
"What do you want?" Chris groans as he scoots over a bit.
"Only to sit next to my lovely best friend and not so lovely brother," I grin at him and he only purses his lips as if preventing himself from saying something he'll regret later.

I snuggle in next to Katie and look at Jesse's sleeping figure across the van, his lips stay slightly open and his eyes remain sealed with his chest rising and falling slowly. Just seeing him like that makes me want to crawl back to him and curl myself up next to his chest.
"Daydreaming about your boyfriend?" I hear Katie laugh from next to me.
"Hm?" I question and glance at her as she smiles down at me.
"You were staring at him like you wanted to jump his bones or something," she chuckles and I roll my eyes at the comment.

"Don't get me dreaming about that yet," I huff with a small smile and hers spreads farther if possible.
"You really love him don't you?" she whispers and my gaze goes back to Jesse who looks so young and vulnerable as he lays curled up with a blanket. I don't respond, instead I just stare at him for a moment and ponder the question myself, I have dreamed about living the rest of my life with him, heck we've even talked about it.
"You know I've known Jesse my whole life," Katie sighs as she rests her head on mine, "And it wasn't until you showed up that I've seen him so lively. I mean I thought it was the whole new girl thing, he doesn't know you and you're obviously attractive so I just thought once you'd fall for him he'd get scared and run away like he did to so many other girls."

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