Chapter 15: Maybe It was His Dream to Become a Eunuch

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"That is all your fault!" I exclaim while laughing my head off at his shocked face.
"It was an accident!" he claims and I watch as a small smile tugs at the corner of his lips while looking down at the spilt two liter bottle of root beer.
"Oh well it's only carpet," I shrug off and plan on blaming it on my brother.

Jesse scoots away from the spilt soda and closer to me on the small couch that we both cramed on to watch a movie. The credits to Despicable Me begin to roll as the large blanket that covers us is pulled tight by Jesse and he lets out a long and exagerated sigh. I glance over at him with a raised eyebrow to see he's already staring at me with a smirk, spreading himself out as much as he can on the couch while I curl into a small ball in the corner.

"What next?" he asks and I glance at my phone for the time.
"I believe you to go home, it's 8," I explain and he pouts which makes his mascaline features look funny but adorable at the same time.
"But I just got here," he whines and I sigh while throwing the blanket off of me and hopping up.
"You just got here about 6 hours ago," I explain but he only leans back further in the chair.

The sudden sound of voices upstairs and boys trailing down the stairs meets our ears and in comes my brother, Ed, Jake, Josh, Pete, and Jonas, some of my brother's other friends who in fact have attempted at texting me.
"Woah!" Jonas shouts when he sees us, "What's going on here?" he smirks down at me and then flashes his gaze over to a very frustrated looking Jesse who's still sprawled out on the couch.
"What the hell man I've been calling you all day?" my brother says to Jesse who stands slowly.
"Oh sorry man my phone wasn't on me," Jesse nods his head towards the ping pong table to where he set it down nearly 6 hours ago.

"And this is when I leave," I mutter under my breathe and book it out of the basement full of teenage boys. Storming up the stairs I go straight for the kitchen again in search of food despite me eating popcorn for about an hour straight. Picking up a bag of carrots I glance at my phone to see a missed call from Katie about a minute ago and quickly call back.

"Hey Katie," I chirp once I hear her on the other end.
"I like your brother," she cuts in and I stop chewing.
"Is this a confession to me or yourself cause I think everyone knew you liked him except you," I respond before crunching on a carrot.
"I... I don't know, I just kinda thought you should know cause he's your brother and stuff," she explains awkwardly.
"What do you want me to give you a 'touch my brother and you die' speech? Cause I'm not really big on those honestly I'd rather give him the 'touch Katie and you die' kind of speech," I explain and hear her let out an airy laugh.
"So you're cool with it?" she asks once more and I nod but quicky realize we're on the phone.
"Yup," I nod poping the 'p' while plopping one more carrot in my mouth.

"Oh yeah and are you ready for class day tomorrow?" she asks all giddy and happy again.
"What exactly is that again?" I question remembering the odd t-shirts we recieved last Friday for the supposed 'class day'.
"It's where the classes compete against each other in certain games and activities to see which class is the best," Katie smirks through the phone and my mind processes what tomorrow will be like. This is going to be interesting.


"C'MON C'MON!" a gigantic senior yells as the strongest junior and the strongest senior compete in an arm wrestling match and it seems the junior is actually winning, then again both are ligit replicas of the Hulk and I'm surprised they haven't broken each other's arms as their muscles bulge out of their shirts nearly wripping them.

"C'MON BIG SAVAGE!" Ed screams the junior's apparent nickname while everyone screams and cheers for their class. The entire junior class sports an ugly yellow while the seniors a red, sophmores a green and freshman a blue, all the colors in rainbow order.

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