Chapter 26: We Might Get Out of This Alive

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I jolt awake as I force air into my lungs, I hadn't had that dream in months and now it seems to plague me everytime I close my eyes. Sleep becomes scarce with me now and everytime I close my eyes daunting images come to my mind of death and pain, extreme excruciating pain.
"Kira," a soft voice coos and I know exactly who it is.
"Jesse," I sigh as I feel his arms egulf me from the side where he was laying.
"What time is it?" I croak out as I lift myself up in an unfamiliar room.
"It's 2 in the morning, you were out for quite a while once you settled down," he also sits up and presses a soft kiss against my head.
"I'm so sorry for what happened back there," he mumbles into my head and I shrug.

"There was nothing you could've done to stop it," I breathe out as he strokes my arm gently.
"I should've stopped you from walking into that room I don't even know why I let you walk in there in the first place," he shakes his head softly.
"It's not your fault Jesse, can we, can we just stop talking about it for a little while?" I ask quietly and he nods.

"Hey Jesse?" I ask and he hums softly.
"Where am I?" the question makes his chest rumble a bit with laughter.
"You're in another one of our guest rooms, I didn't think you wanted to be in your house when you woke up," he says softly and I sink into his chest while inhaling his calming scent.
"Jesse?" I ask.
"Yes love?"
"Please stay with me tonight?"
"Of course, I'll always be by your side."

And tonight I slept without a single dream, only the scent of a forest with dark green eyes luring in the back of my mind.


"He is here!" my mother shouts at our agent, "We need to leave again we have to get out!"
"Mom calm down," my brother whispers as she's at the brink of a mental breakdown.
"Miss Brand I'm sorry but we've moved you 6 times in the past 3 years, we are very concerned for your safety and your children but..." the agent starts.
"But what? If you were really concerned for them then you'd keep them safe at all costs no matter how much money it costs."

"Mom," I speak up getting the attention of everyone in the room, the ten agents who are supposed to protect us all stare at me, "I think we should stay," my mom opens her mouth to say something but I quickly cut her off.
"I don't only want to stay because I have something here that I haven't had before but because I'm tired of running, we'll just run our entire lives," I sigh and look at the agents, "And no offense to you guys but it seems after 5 times of not being able to catch him I think we need to make a different approach, I think we should stay and wait for him."

The room goes quiet for a moment at the suggestion before one of the older men stand, "That is a very dangerous proposition," he starts looking between my mother and I, "But we could make it immensely less dangerous if we protect each one of you individually."
"What so like body guards or something?" Chris asks bewildered and I attempt at imagining what it would be like to have someone following you around everywhere you go.

"If you would like to use that word yes, the only issue is that we don't exactly have any at the given moment..." the agent trails off  and an idea pops in my head. The chance of what I want to do most likely won't work out but will come back to bite me in the butt, but then again what do I have to lose?
"I have an idea," I speak up.


I watch the expression of the two people as they hear my story, never in my life would I think that we would openly tell our story to people we barely even know. I've never spoken to Mrs. Wolf in my life and sure Lukas and I had what you might call a heart felt moment. But you usually don't tell your entire life story and biggest secret to an acquaintance, but then again they're already always in danger due to their dad and that's exactly why we're here.

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