Chapter 28: A Point on Your Jerk Board

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"John stop being such a dimwit and give the poor girl her waffle back before she has a panic attack!" Naomi scolds John and my head pops up from desperately searching for my waffle.
"Hey!" I exclaim as he slides my waffle from under the table and back onto my plate. In the two weeks Naomi and John have been staying here we've grown quite close, mostly because they're with me 24/7 but they are probably the funniest people I've ever met. Not to mention John and I have engaged in quite the prank war that so far I'm dramatically losing at.

"I think I should get a point for that," John exclaims and brushing his light brown hair out of his face.
"Yeah a point on your jerk board," I nudge him and he smirks while grabbing a bite of my waffle.
"You just don't know how to be nice do you?" I ask wide eyed.
"Believe me I've been trying to change him for the past 25 years and it still hasn't worked," Naomi mutters with an eye roll and this earns a smack from John.
"See you're a bully!" Naomi accuses.

"Am I interupting something," my mother raises an eyebrow as she walks in.
"Hey mom," I chirp while tossing my plate in the dish washer.
"Hey Kim," Naomi and John exclaim in unision before glancing at each other and bursting into laughter. I really wish they would just push past the friend zone and marry each other.

"Good morning! Good morning! It's a lovely day!" Jesse sings as he magically appears in our house before giving me a peck on the cheek and making himself some waffles.
"How do you even get in this house?" John asks in shock.
"I have my ways," Jesse smirks as he glances me over.
"Sleep good last night?" he murmurs as he probably notices the bags under my eyes and saggy posture.
"Dandy," I reply with a sarcastic grin making a frown form on his face.
"You could probably get some sleeping pills..." Jesse starts.
"It's not about falling asleep, or even staying asleep, it's just what happens when I am asleep," I mutter as his waffles pop up from the toaster.

Before giving him time to respond I grab a bite of his waffle but quickly yip as I realize how hot it is.
"Ha Karma's a bitch," Jesse grins and I just drop his waffle back on the plate.
"Ok, well goodbye I'll see you all at lunch," my mother shouts, "And you two," she points at Naomi and John as they both freeze with food stuffed in their mouth, "Please make sure those two don't do anything stupid, sexual and nonsexual," my mother points at Jesse and I as my jaw drops.

"Yes ma'am!" John shouts as my mother leaves. The second the door slams shut we all prance up ready for the day ahead of us, "Alright let's go, quickly!" John cheers as we all scurry out of the house and pile into his Mustang. Jesse and I squeeze into the back as Naomi and John hop in the front, "No sex in the back seat by the way that's leather!" John shouts back to us and I roll my eyes before falling back into the seat.

"Hurry up we'll miss our appointment!" I shout and John slams on the gas petal and soon we're zipping out of the driveway like some getaway car. Then again it somewhat feels like that, mostly because Jesse and I somehow convinced Naomi and John to let us go skydiving with them which is not only breaking our mother's number rule, don't do anything stupid, but also somewhat illegal.

"When does the plane leave?" Jesse peeps his head over the driver's seat to look at John as he crazily drives.
"8:00 a.m.," he sighs as we glance at the clock that reads 7:57. We told our mom we were just going to go out for the day, shopping, eating, stuff like that. She wasn't to suspicious just told us to be back before lunch which means we had to schedule the earliest plane, 8:00.

"I see it!" I cheer as we come closer to the skydiving building that houses the plane we'll leave in. Excitement bubbles inside me along with nerves and pretty soon I'm just a pile of anxiousness about to explode into a million pieces.
"We're here! We're here! We're here!" I screech as Jesse drags me out of the car.
"What kind of drug are you on?" John mutters as he looks me over.
"You know I'd appreciate it for once if you didn't think so lowly of me," I stick my chin up at John but my little moment of anger quickly vanishes as John and Naomi lead us around the building to where a smallish plane rests.

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