Chapter 21: The Accident

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The doctor's office is nearly bare, well psychiatrist office. My knee bounces nervously as I wait alone for my mother and brother to come back from behind those doors, and when they do our fate will be decided. I feel my phone buzz in my pocket but don't bother looking at, I haven't been able to eat or drink all day as my nerves wrack up for this very moment, the moment I wait to see if my brother truly is going mad like my father did.

The sound of a door opening makes my head snap upwards and my eyes meet ones that I don't expect. Dark green eyes resembling a midnight forest lure me in and for a moment time is frozen as I see him.
"Kira?" a voice identical to his asks and I look up to see his brother hovering over Jesse. Both of them stand in the doorway and I catch a glimpse of a bottle in Lukas's hand, a prescribed bottle for some sort of illness, mental illness.

We all seem to gaze at one another in wonder of what the other is doing here. That is until another door opens, one opposite of me and out walks my brother with a tear stained face and broken posture meaning one thing. No. The Wolf boys seem to follow my gaze to my broken down brother and for a second Jesse and Chris seem to make eye contact and shock crosses both their faces before fear and devastation.
"Kira I think it's time to go," I hear my mother speak out through a hoarse voice that I barely recognize as hers.

Standing on shaky legs it takes a moment for me to force one leg in front of the other to meet up with them as they turn to leave. And as we leave I make one last glance over my shoulder and my eyes see the dark forest ones for a moment and then I watch as his lips form one word, "Kira."


Silence seems to be key as we sit with the spring air thick with rain and the clouds covering any trace of light from the sun. The swings creak as the rain covers it, a thin line falling from the sky reminding us that one day flowers may blossom on the dirt covered ground that we rest our feet on.
"We can do one of two things," he speaks up his voice darker than normal as if deciding a deadly fate, but then again aren't we?

"The first be that neither of us tell the other anything and we're left wondering what could possibly be so fucked up in our lives that we both ended up in a physiatrist office at the same time one having their brother crying and the other having prescribed pills," he speaks.
"And option two of course would be that we both admit to one another how fucked up our lives are and try our best to fix them."

I sit and look up at the sky allowing one or two raindrops to fall onto my face making my warm skin grow cold.
"The first option is obviously the safe one," I state not giving my answer.
"Then again when do you take the safe route?" he quirks his eyebrow up at me and I make eye contact for the first time in three days with him.
"Since your life became in danger," I state and his eyes darken.
"Kira," he sighs, "If you think whatever information you hold could get me hurt, you're wrong. I've had people knocking on my doors with loaded guns telling my family they wanted us dead because of the position my father is in. My father takes responsibility for thousands of lives and if one life is lost that's at least five people who want revenge on my father."

He turns to me once more and stares me right in the eye as if searching for my story, "So Kira Williams I promise you that whatever information you tell me, I will tell no one, and no harm will come to me." His words sound promising and reassuring, but so did hers when I told her, and then she ended up torn in two on a train track.

"I can't," I breathe and he closes his eyes for a moment.
"Give me one valid answer as to why you can't and then I will never ask you again," he promises.
"Cause I'm scared," he opens his mouth to respond but seems to be at a loss of words by my response.
"What are you scared of?" he asks lowly.
"I'm scared that history will repeat itself, that my family member will end up dead and one of the closest people I know will end up torn in two. All because of me," I feel my voice crack as I say this.
"Kira, you don't have to be scared," he soothes.

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