Chapter 10: The Real Question Is, Did You?

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"I'm fine," I growl out as my nose throbs.
"You don't look fine," he cocks his head to the side.
"Well then stop looking!" I shout at Jesse.
"Maybe next time you'll know better than to stand by Ed when he's in a laboratory," he snorts out as he holds up another Kleenex to my nose.
"Kira I'm so sorry, please I didn't see you, I just kinda flung the door open," Ed apologizes.
"It's fine Ed really, I don't care," I nod to him as he stands biting his lip nervously and Rico lets out a gut wrenching laugh looking at me.

"It looks like you're having your period come out of your nose!" he exclaims in his Mexican accent causing the rest of the boys to erupt in laughter, all except Ed who still stands nervously to the side. Seriously how immature can these boys get I mean it's a freaking bloody nose?
"I got the ice pack!" James calls out while trotting in and tossing it to Jesse who seems to decide to treat me like I'm five and hold to my face himself.
"Jesse I have two hands I can take care of myself," I huff while placing my hands on the ice pack that he holds. His hands graze over mine as he talks, "Really cause I think you've proven the very opposite little goody two shoes."

"What the hell did you do?" Katie shouts at Jesse as she walks into the classroom that the five boys are standing in. Vick and Macey are right behind her as they stare at my bloody and swollen nose making it look like a giant tomato on my face.
"It wasn't me it was Ed!" Jesse shouts in defense while pointing at Ed who has a grim look.
"It was an accident!" he shouts.
"I'm fine really guys can we just go to lunch already?" I inturrupt everyone and they all quiet down and eventually nod in agreement.

"Wow I think that might've actually fixed your face," Chris smiles and I glower at my brother.
"Funny cause from what I heard we share the same face," I retort and he frowns.
"No mine is much more mascaline..."
"Are you sure cause I think I have more facial hair than you do," I reply grimmly, not entirely lying. Chris opens his mouth to object but closes it again giving him the appearence of a fish out of water.

"C'mon Rico and James sit with us today, you guys look gay sitting by the girls all the time," Jesse laughs while looking at the two boys who've grown to be my close friends.
"Hey you can't just steal our friends!" Vicky exclaims and everyone turns to the red head.
"Ladies, ladies there's enough Rico to go around don't worry," he chuckles and I roll my eyes.
"Actually you can take him," Macey retorts making her brother grab her hair and mess it up while she starts shouting at him in spanish and soon they're in a full on Hispanic argument in which no one really understands except apparently Jesse who's fluent in Spanish. Probably cause he's from Texas. Despite my brother and I being from Texas and having a Mexican nanny, the only words I really know are adios and tornillo te which is screw off, I guess you could say foreign language isn't exactly our forte.

Once we reach the cafateria and the argument dies down we all decide to sit in the corner together, me earning enough stares for the strawberry on my face that serves as a nose.
"Friday night, party at Josh's," Ed states as we sit down. Everyone seems pretty excited for it but I just bite at my lip nervously. Last party wasn't exactly a bust but it wasn't exactly exciting either, I only played BS for two hours straight before dragging two drunk girls home.

"You in?" a low voice whispers from next to me and I watch as Jesse returns from the lunch line and plops down next to me. I just glance at him and shrug, "I don't know," I mumble while picking at my food.
"Oh come on you barely did shit at the last party you didn't even get the whole party experience," he complains while I sigh agrivated at his behavior.
"If you're expecting me to grind against some random drunk stranger all while downing shots, you're wrong," I retort, "I'm not exactly like you," I murmur low enough so he can't hear but apparently he does.

"Excuse me I'll have you know I've never drank a drop of beer in my life," he scoffs and I drop my fork which was halfway in my mouth making spagetti sauce fly everywhere and the fork to clatter to the floor.
"Wow, that surprising huh?" he asks in a monotonous voice.
"You're lying," I retort turning to him. There's no way in hell that Jesse, the popluar boy has never had beer in his life.
"Look me in the eye and tell me I'm lying," he moves closer to me so that our faces are merely inches apart.
"Then what do you do at parties?" I scoff.
"Dance, play games, the non-alcoholic ones, yes they do exist," he explains.

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