Chapter 8: You're Only Five Feet Off the Ground!

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"Please! I swear I will never ask anything from you ever again just don't make me go to school!" I plead with my mother as she adjusts her already perfect nurse's uniform.
"Kira I think this will be a good learning experience for you!" my mother chirps and I let out a long exasperated sigh before dramatically falling to the hardwood floor.
"Oh c'mon mom Kira's right, the two girls she's stuck with are total whores," Chris comments stepping over me casually to get to the waffles that he loves so much.

"Chris language!" my mother gasps before turning to me again as I lay on the ground sprawled out still in my pajamas.
"And the boy you're with is the one you despise?" she questions while placing her hands on her knees and I pout while nodding. My mom lets out a long sigh placing her hands on her hips as she stares down at me.
"Fine but you have to do some cleaning around the house," she gives in and I let out a loud squeal before leaping up and jumping on her in a hug.

"Alright I'll call the office on the way to work," she sighs and heads for the front door.
"You got really lucky," Chris muffles through his waffles.
"Hell yeah," I shout before grabbing one of his waffles and booking it for upstairs.
"Hey, I'm the one going to school here!" Chris shouts after me but I'm already plopping onto my bed.

Snuggling into my pillows I slowly drift off back to sleep.


My eyes peak open and to my surprise see a large tray of food right beside my bed. Hesitantly sitting up I let out a large yawn as I see that the tray is filled with a buffet of food. What the hell? Is there secretly a leprechaun here to feed me? If so I'm all in.

"Hey the sickling is awake!" a voice cheers from down the hall and my eyes shoot up as I see a very fast approaching teenage boy.
"What the hell," I mutter under my breathe as he plops down next to me with a wide grin as I stare in complete and utter shock.
"What?" Jesse asks confused, "I heard you were sick and you see I can't just let my best friend's little sister die on her own," his grin turns into a small little pout that looks quite adorable on his normal masculine features.

"You're not my brother's best friend," I mumble and I don't know why out of all the questions that are flooding my mind right now that's the first thing I say.
"Actually yesterday we were making each other best friend bracelets and then we both got a tattoo on our butt cheeks that say each other's name on it with a half a heart so every time we put our butts together it forms a whole heart," he explains innocently.

My eyebrows furrow together slightly before I quickly shake my head to get the image out of my head.
"Shouldn't you be with Brigit and Cat at the zoo?" I ask rubbing the sleep from my eyes.
"What you're asking me is would I like to spend an entire day being bombarded by two sophomore girls? No," he shakes his head before planting the large tray on my lap, "I'd rather make sure you don't die alone, I mean pneumonia is a pretty bad illness," he shakes his head and my jaw goes slack. Pneumonia? Why the heck would Chris tell his friends I have pneumonia?

"Uh yeah, I think I actually just need to sleep it off, so bye-bye," I nod my head while curling back into my pillow. Five minutes go by and Jesse's weight never leaves the bed so I peep my eye open to see his eyes trained on me, no longer analyzing or studying but simply looking with a large grin spread across his face.
"Ok fine I'm faking it!" I exclaim sitting up. Jesse gasps dramatically while clutching his chest, "You naughty girl, lying and skipping school, tsk tsk tsk," he shakes his head.
"You're no better," I point out.
"Ah but I just chose not to go to school, I didn't lie about dying in my chambers," he grins and I roll my eyes at his fake British accent.

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