Chapter 6: You Manipulative Little...

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Soon both Jase and the principal disappear down the halls and Jesse and I are the only ones left.
"Shouldn't you get back to class?" I ask silently to Jesse and he only glances back before shutting the door as in a no.
"Screw psychology," he shrugs, "Shouldn't you be getting your chemistry book?" I simply pull out my chemistry book from my backpack and he nods slowly.
"I hope you know Jase gets away with these things all the time," he responds as we begin to walk down the halls slowly together, a tense feeling between the two of us.

"Why? I mean I get that his dad's the principal but there has to be a teacher that sees it's wrong?" I question as I try to image the different things Jase could do around here.
"They see it, everyone does, the guys take advantage of it a lot as well. It's just the teachers are too scared that they'll get fired to say anything, and Jase is the one who does most of it so his dad doesn't say anything of course," he sighs out and I feel bile rise in my throat. They seriously just let guys drag girls into closets?

We walk in silence all the way to the cafeteria and I begin to wonder why he's walking with me but at the same time, I feel oddly safer with him. At least he's not like Jase where he'll drag me into closets and I mean God knows what Jase would've done to me if I hadn't hit him. Stopping in between the hallway and the cafeteria Jesse turns and grazes over my face once more, sweeping my features with his eyes.
"Don't forget what I said the other day," he murmurs as he takes a step closer to me, "If you ever need help, just call me and I'm there." With that he makes yet another grand and dramatic exit of turning on his heel and gliding down the hall, except instead of taking a right to where his previous class was he takes a left and I can't help but wonder what in the world he's up to now and why in the world he's being kind to me.

Trudging over slowly to my newly found friends they notice my disastrous appearance almost right away, soon they're swarming me and asking what happened. And even though I hate to re-live what just happened I tell them the whole story matching up every detail as they sit quietly listening.
"Jase is an ass hat," Katie states at the end of the story.
"And a freaking pervert!" Vicky exclaims with a look of pure disgust on her face.
"So why was Jesse there?" this comes from Macey.

"I don't know I think he was talking to Mr. Peterson about something outside of the classroom," I shrug not really questioning it myself.
"Hm that's odd," Vicky mumbles, "Mr. Peterson doesn't have Jesse for any classes." That catches my attention. My thoughts are quickly interrupted as the last bell rings signaling the end of school, thank God, Monday is officially over with.


"Wow," Katie sighs as we finish watching the conspiracy theory we somehow came across on Youtube, "I can't believe a munchkin actually hung himself on the set of The Wizard of Oz."
"That's so fake," Vicky claims crossing her arms as she chews on her popcorn.
"How is that fake it's in the actual film!?" Macey argues and soon they begin their debate on the Hanging Munchkin and I know I'll never hear the end of it.

I lean back in my bed as I shove popcorn in my mouth listening intently to their argument and debating on who to agree with. Katie does the same as we sit on my twin bed, scrunched together shoving junk food into our mouths and enjoying the show.
"Obviously he hung himself," a voice comes from the door and there stands Jesse, Chris, Jake, Ed, and a few more boys I recognize from school.
"Oh please Jesse you're only saying that cause you love a good rumor, especially about death," Vicky flips her flaming red hair in annoyance.

The boys all grin as they attempt at coming into my room to see the four teenage girls and most likely annoy the crap out of us because that's all that boys are here for.
"Hey, girls night!" I shout as they start to trudge into my room without any permission.
"Great so Ed will fit in perfectly!" Chris laughs as they arrange themselves around my room, all scooting close to a girl causing me to cringe.
"Get. Out." I order pointing to the door only for my bed to bounce and Katie and I with it as Jesse plops down taking up the entire bed wedging his head in between Katie and I. Scoffing Katie slides off so she's no longer by the little creep but instead pressed against Chris. Let's just say my room isn't exactly the biggest especially when you're trying to fit 8 plus teenagers in it.

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