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The water is calm here, calm and silent like today's wind. Blonde hair bounces in my vision in small curls as a girl runs across the shore kicking at the sand, she looks so happy, her skin glows like never before as her smile is no different than a ray of sun. Her laugh sounds like a thousand chorus singing together in unison, then another figure appears in my vision. His broad shoulders bump into her's as her face lights up at the sight of him and soon their laughter mixes together in a sweet song of pure joy.

Their white clothes clash with my black suit, the same suit that I just wore to Naomi and John's wedding rests on my body reminding me of the time that has past. Kira's head pops up for a second before a wide grin graces her lips and her eyes meet mine for the very last time, Jesse's strong and joyful laugh is heard as I feel a single tear slide down my face leaving me cold and I close my eyes for a short moment seeing only darkness. The second I open them, they're gone.

Turning back around I approach the two tombstones I read the names and quotes over and over again, Jesse Wolf a loving brother, son, and friend; Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails.- 1 Corinthians 13:7-8. Then my gaze turns to my sister's stone, Kira Brand a loving daughter, sister, and friend; I have fought a good fight. I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.- 2 Timothy 4:7. The tombstone's rest next to each other, side by side forever.

My eyes linger on the flowers that rest on both of their tombstones showing that Lukas was just here. Although Lukas comes almost every week I know he's been coming less and less, after all he is a father now and his son and daughter need to know about the tales of their amazing Uncle Jesse and how he saved the day so many times. But they'll also hear about the day that he had fallen, and that will be their first realistic story, because no matter how hard you try, life is not a fairy tale.

The weight of a hand on my shoulder causes me to draw it back and turn my head to see who's interrupting my moment of mourning my baby sister. A sob chokes me as I stare at the familiar face, the same baby blue eyes as Kira's rest in his head, the same crooked smile that I possess smirks back at me as if looking in a mirror.

"No," I choke out as I stare at him, "You're dead."


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