Chapter 13: We're Going to Have to Jump

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The first thought that crosses my mind is how beautiful it all is and I thank God for creating such a beautiful and peaceful place. Then my mind's second thought is, holy shit we're high up. And my last and most delightful thought is, I'm going to have to jump off of this thing.

"You ready?" Vicky asks from next to me, her fiery red hair dancing behind her. Before I can answer someone is next to me and laughing, "I'll bet you ten bucks you'll chicken out and won't do it," Jesse chuckles. Glaring up at him I slide my pants off and shirt as well revealing the very shiny and gold suit, I can feel Jesse's gaze on me as I strip and once I turn back to him he analyzes me.

I flash him a quick smirk before turning forward and backing up about ten feet, by this time everyone's staring at me waiting for me to make a move.
"SCREW LIFE!" I scream at the top of my lungs and sprint straight for the water. Boosting one leg in the air I feel my hair fly behind me and my arms flail while making their way to my side. The water grows closer as I feel completely out of control in the air as my body falling without my consent, yet I love every second of it.

My legs crash with the water and I hold as much air in my lungs as I can while I dart into the water like a bullet from a gun. My feet don't touch the ground even after sinking for about ten feet and fear grows in my chest of all the monsters that could lurk in this lake. Kicking against the water I make it to the surface to see the cliff that had to be at least 50 feet high and remember rock climbing with Jesse, never would I have ever thought I would jump off a 50 foot cliff in my life.

I see the heads perk over the edge and some cheers before shouting, "YOU OWE ME TEN BUCKS JESSE!"
"AND GET YOUR ASS IN HERE BEFORE A FISH EATS MINE!" Suddenly a figure is free falling from the cliff and I recognize his golden hair flying in the air to be Jesse. A large splash erupts from about twenty feet to the right of me and in around a second or two he pops back up, his hair now brown from the water.
"You did it!" he cheers as he kicks to stay above the surface.
"And you owe me ten bucks!" I exclaim just as happily.

This earns a giant splash from Jesse consuming me and soon I'm splashing back until another body falls into the water. Popping up I see it's Katie, she looks completely dazed as she splashes around like a mad woman.
"That was so fun!" she exclaims with the same golden retreiver attitude that I've began to love. Two more bodies fall in the water, Macey and Vicky and I start to giggle at the fact that all the girls and one idiotic guy are the only ones that jumped.
"Rico and Chris are trying to get Ed to come in, he absolutey refuses," Vicky laughs.
"Fear of heights?" I question and she nods just for a large scream to erupt from what seems to be the heavens and Ed's bulky figure pummels to the water, his brown hair straight up and face like a little girl's after seeing a big spider.

Ed's splash was by far the largest and for a moment I'm scared he belly flopped. Soon his head pops up, eyes bug out of his head as he gapes like a fish out of water. We all stare with amused looks on our faces as he tries to comprehend what just happened.
"They..." he stutters, "They pushed me in!" Two more shouts and sudden splashes signal the arrivial of the two delinquents, they pop up with smirks on both of their faces and their hair gets stuck to their foreheads.

"Well that was fun!"


I wrap the fluffy towel around me and begin to munch on the sandwhich in my hand that serves as dinner. The sun is almost setting and I realize we need to drive another two hours back and I'm absolutely exhausted. After climbing up the giant cliff and jumping back in countless times all while swimming for at least two hours I had grown ravenous and beyond tired.

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