Chapter 39: You're Only Two Hundred and Sixty Feet Off the Ground

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"Kira," a soft voice coos, "Kira," a warm hand is placed on my shoulder and shakes me slightly but my eyes still refuse to open. That's when warm lips press to mine and my arms slowly wrap around Jesse's neck and I kiss back with my eyes still sealed shut.
"Ew no PDA!" a voice resembling Naomi's shouts and suddenly a pillow smacks me out of my half dream, half kiss moment. My eyes jolt open as my head flies forward and collides with another one making my body fall back onto the bed.

"Naomi," I grumble while rubbing the sore part of my head.
"What I'm sorry you guys were getting all nasty," she comments as I peak an eye open for the first time to see Chris driving with Katie in the front, John sleeping on the other side of the van, and Naomi in the middle of a game of solitaire.

"Where are we," I murmur as I hoist myself up next to Jesse on the side of the van.
"We, my love, are in the great state of Utah," he responds with a wide grin and I quirk an amused eyebrow up.
"I'd know that mischievous look anywhere, what are you planning on doing here?" I question which makes his face light up even more.
"Well since you asked this just so happens to have some of the best canyons which also may just mean that rock climbing will be quite fun here," I can see the excitement radiating off of him in waves reminding me of a teenage girl who just got asked to Prom.

I just smile and close my eyes as sleep pulls at my head again, obviously no one got sleep last night because of the bears but about an hour of screaming and panicking the family of bears finally left us and John was the first to leap into the driver's seat and zoom away. After that we tried to sleep but still had an adrenaline rush and the echoing sound of each other's screams in our ears so we just decided on ghost stories, or to freak John out, animal attack stories.

I find myself burying my head into Jesse's chest as the mountainous scenery around us surrounds our van while we drive through it's beauty.
"Amazing right?" Jesse mutters as he becomes lost in thought at the sight of these monstrous mountains.
"It's... " I stutter trying to find the right words for the feeling in my chest as I stare out the window, "It's miraculous."

Suddenly cards are slapped right in front of me knocking me out of my gaze and I stare bewildered at Naomi as she adjusts her cards.
"I've been stuck with him for four hours and all he's been talking is climbing a big rock so," Naomi starts, "Do you got any nines?"

Jesse and I both glance at my cards to see the nine resting in my hand, "Nope," we respond.


"Jesse get down from there you're going to die!" I scream as I stare up at my psychotic boyfriend who decided climbing the Delicate Arch was the best thing to do.
"It's ok it's only 65 feet high!" he shouts down at me as he grips onto the practically flat rock and pulls himself up another five feet.
"Exactly! If you fall you're going to die!" I scream as I look at his completely bare torso.
"Oh Lord if we do have children one day please don't let them inherit his recklessness," I mutter a quick prayer and cross my arms as I glance over at John and Chris who are cheering him on.

"Jesse. Down. Now!" I order but he only pouts at my efforts to make him come back to solid ground. Eventually I simply huff and plop down next to Naomi who's watching him with amusement written all over her face.
"Aren't you and John supposed to be responsible adults that watch over us?" I question with a raised eyebrow.
"Na that's what you're here for," she nudges me with a smile and I roll my eyes.
"You know for a body guard you're pretty bad," I grin at her playfully seeing how she'll react. She gasps offended, "Excuse me young lady but you should not talk to your elders that way!" she exclaims.

"Oh right you little old lady," I grin and she just throws her arm around me in a headlock.
"Oh look whose the little old lady now," she exclaims while holding me in a deadlock.
"Just cause you're choking me doesn't mean I'm any older," I wheeze as I pull at her iron like arm that allows little air flow. She swings her arm off of my neck with a triumphant grin on her face, "Never mess with this old lady," she flips her hair and then blows lightly on her nails before pretending to examine them.
"You're one odd old lady," I nod.
"Oh for goodness sake I'm 26!" she finally breaks and soon a shout breaks up our conversation as our heads snap upwards to see Jesse dancing on top of the Delicate arch and Katie snapping pics on her polaroid camera.

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