Chapter 43: Where'd the Van Go?

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"Chris have you not been following the map?" Katie exclaims as the New Mexican terrian grows ruffer and more plain by the second.
"Yeah weren't we supposed to stop at a gas station lik 10 minutes back I really have to pee," John points out from next to me and I peak my head from out of my book to see what they're all talking about.
"We just drove through here," Katie complains and Chris looks around his completely identical surroundings.

"Ok how can you tell everything looks to the same!" Chris exclaims and hits the gas petal a little harder.
"Cause we've passed the same sign that says 'Welcome to the Oconomowoc Indian Reservation' already," Katie points out.
"Do you want to drive?" Chris looks at her with raised eyebrows as if to challenge his directional skills.
"No I just want anyone but you to drive," she crosses her arms over her chest and my eyebrows quirk up as I realize the couple is bickering.

"Jess," I nudge Jesse who's head pops up out of his computer and he pauses the movie Gladiator that he seemed to be intirgued by.
"You want to drive it seems my brother got us lost," I ask and his head turns to the front of the car where Katie and Chris continue their dispute and we watch as they constantly point in various directions.

"Hey Chris you want to switch?" Jesse asks as he's already climbing into the front seat. The van briefly stops and soon Katie's crawling in the back and cuddling next to Chris as if they hadn't even disputed over a single thing in their entire life. I quickly hop into Katie's previous position to see Jesse has pulled out a giant map that takes up the entire front part of the car and seems to be of the entire South part of the country.

"Yeah Oconomowoc is too small to be on the map," Jesse sighs as his eyes go over the map once more.
"Why don't we just drive through and ask for directions?" I suggest and Jesse quirks an eyebrow up at me.
"Oh tell me you're not one of those guys who won't ask for directions," I grumble and he only let's out a dry laugh.
"Fine," he sighs and starts the car up again, "I guess we'll just drive through here and stop at a gas station or something," he grumbles and I start to wonder if I should ask him if he's on his man period or not.

Soon the identical terrain turns into one with small houses and a few old shops until we finally find a gas station that reads Mobil in large green letters that seems to have faded over the years of weathering.
"Alright Kira and I will go in, John can you fill up the tank?" Jesse looks over his shoulder but we all watch as he rushes out of the car screaming over his shoulder, "I have to go to the bathroom!"
"Alright well Naomi can you?" Jesse asks and she lets out an annoyed sigh before complying.

I follow Jesse out of the van and have the urge to grab my phone when I remember I can't even use it anyway so I feel almost naked as I walk into the store empty handed of my wallet and phone. Walking in to the small gas station a small bell rings signaling to the cashier that we've entered. The man's head pops up and his long silky black hair drapes over his shoulders before a friendly smile graces his lips before us.

"Excuse me sir but it seems we're a bit lost..." I trial off as his eye suddenly snap out the window.
"Is that your van?" he questions and we both whip around as we see our friends being forced out of the place that's served as our home the past week and half by four men who all hold guns. Their faces are covered by varying colors of bandanas and soon Jesse's out the door before I can process what's happening and the van is skidding down the road without any of us in it.

The cashier and I both bolt out the door after Jesse as he makes an attempt at catching the car but he only makes it twenty feet before realizing it's completely pointless, they stole the van and everything in it. We all stare at the disappearing car in a shocked state when Jesse suddenly whips around to stare at everyone, "What the hell happened?" he screams not in an accusing tone or in anger but in shock and fear.

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