Chapter 34: I Do's and I Don'ts

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"I do," Lukas states as he stares into his new wife's eyes.
"I do," Jasmine speaks and tears of joy fill her eyes.
"I now pronounce you, husband and wife, you may kiss the bride," the priest speaks and soon Jasmine is swooped into Lukas's arms and they share a rather passionate kiss. The crowd cheers and whoops, me being one of them. Jesse stands right next to Lukas as the best man and I can tell tears are springing in his eyes as he sees his brother so happy, and on Jasmine's side is Naomi as the maid of honor. To my surprise John even got to be one of Lukas's best men, apparently they're pretty close.

As they walk down the aisle again a man whom I'm assuming to be Jasmine's father is crying tears of joy and loss as he sees his daughter take on another name. I feel a pang in my chest as I watch the father cry for his daughter, something I'll never have.

A little party never killed nobody so let's dance until we drop! The music sings as Jesse and I move in sync to the music. Our bodies move quickly and our feet quicker as the music beats through us and I'm beginning to feel the salmon I had for dinner begin to come up but nonetheless shove it down and continue dancing as sweat begins to drip down my forehead from the hour we've been dancing non-stop.

I gave up on my heels about 15 minutes ago, throwing them to the side making me a half a foot shorter and a foot shorter than Jesse.
"It don't mean a thing if I give you my heart and you tear it apart!" I sing along as Jesse dips me quickly before flinging me back up to spin.
"Just one night all we, just one night all we got!" he sings and soon we're both belting out the lyrics as if it were only us in a room full of music.
"A little party never killed nobody so we'll dance until we drop!" we shout and bust out a few fancy moves getting a few whistles from spectators.

After another minute the song ends and we're both left panting as our chests heave, sweat glisenses on our bodies but lucky for us it's so dark in here the only light is from the disco lights that flash around.
"I'm going to go get us some water," I pant and he nods.
"I'm going to talk to my brother for a minute," he heaves and I release his hand and head over to the bar.

Trudging over to the bar I quickly turn to the bartender and ask him for two waters, he nods and turns to get some water as I take a seat.
"Nice moves out there," a voice speaks up from next to me and I look over to see Ryan sitting there, his grayish blackish hair sits neatly combed ontop of his head and I interanlly scowl at the idea that my mother actually took him as her plus one. She said it was for 'safety' reasons but everyone else knows otherwise.

"Thanks," I mutter as I wait for the bartender to return.
"You and that Jesse boy," he nods over to Jesse as him and his brother laugh and smile about something and just the sight of him makes my heart lighter and some of my anger leaves me, "You're close?" I raise an eyebrow at Ryan of how stupid of a question that was.
"Sorry I'm just trying to make conversation," he lets out an airy laugh and I just send him a small completely fake smile, might as well try to be nice.

Suddenly I feel his hand on my shoulder and I jump a little as I look down at him fixing my dress, making it completely perfect and even with the other side. OCD much?
"Sorry I just love it when things are perfect," he smiles up at me, "And it seems you are such a perfect girl, you wouldn't want that dress to ruin your perfection now would you?" he questions and my eyebrows furrow for a moment before I let out a nervous laugh and notice the drinks that had been placed in front of me.

"Uh thank you, well I gotta go," I offer him a weak smile before quickly leaving the bar with the two waters and heading straight for Jesse and his brother. Lukas notices me first approaching and sends me a bright smile and then Jesse who almost seems happier to see the water than me, but then again that is slightly understandable. Jesse gulps down the water the second he's given it and Lukas and his bride watch in somewhat shock.

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