Chapter 22: The Incident

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"Kira?" Lukas questions as I stand at his doorstep at almost 6:00 p.m.
"I need to talk to Jesse," I whisper out and his eyes heave a bit and a look of distress crosses his face.
"Uh, he's at practice but it should end in about," he glances at his watch, "Ten minutes so he should be here in 20, do you want to wait?" I swallow and rethink this through for the thousanth time. I slowly nod my head knowing that if I go back now there's no way I'll come back.

"Alright well you can come in," Lukas invites me into the monsterous house and leads me to a very large and modern kitchen.
"You want something to eat?" he asks lightly and I just shake my head no. Lukas then offers me a glass of water which I gladly take and we both sit down in a somewhat awkward silence.

"So I'm assuming Jesse told you why we were at the physciatrist office?" Lukas asks as the air around us grows thick.
"Yeah he did, and I'm here to tell him why I was there," I shake my head slightly as I think of ways to explain it all, I've only ever explained the Incident to one person and I ended up bursting into tears at the very start I don't even know what Jesse will think by the time I'm done.

"What was he like?" I ask after a moment and Lukas's head lifts and a small sad smile pulls at the corner's of his lips.
"What was Jasper like?" he asks and I nod slowly before Lukas takes in a deep breathe and looks at the ceiling.
"Well if I'm honest with myself he was exactly like me in almost every way, I mean we were at one point in time the same person due to us being identical twins and stuff," he laughs and bit and so do I.
"I even remember once he thought he was gay and I said that it was impossible because if he was gay then I would be too and I loved women way to much for that to be possible," he chuckles a bit.

"He sounds like an amazing person," I speak and Lukas's eyes dim a bit.
"Yes he was an amazing person in everyway," he whispers a bit lost in his own thought, "You know it's been five years and I still can't get my mind off of what I could've done to stop it from happening, if only I would've said no to the trip then he would've pulled out too."
"We all look back and regret things, who knew the smallest word could end someone's life," I breathe out and soon I can feel Lukas's eyes on me.

"You have dark story too don't you?" Lukas asks and I nod slowly.
"It is darker than most," I breathe, "I'm responsible for one of my family member's death and one of my best friends." Lukas is silent for a moment as I sit in shock that I actually just told him the truth, the very truth I've been hiding for so long but I don't regret saying it for a second.

"You're a good kid Kira, and I know that you'd never intentianally hurt anyone," Lukas speaks and my eyes meet his for a second. They're the exact same eyes as Jesse but Lukas's holds darker secrets and a dimmer color.
"There was one thing that made Jasper distinctly different from everyone else, even me," Lukas continues his discription of his brother, "Jasper wanted to help people, he wanted to help people so bad that that's what killed him."
"How come everyone who wants to help ends up dead? What does that say about our world?" I ask Lukas whose eyes hold a heavy burden as they look into my own.
"It tells us there are so many people out there who will die for what they believe in," Lukas nods and I let out a breath.

"You know Jesse isn't a bad guy," Lukas sighs after a long moment.
"Yeah well he is pretty invasive," I mutter under my breath remembering all the times he tried so hard to find out the truth about me.
"He's not invasive he's just," Lukas pauses for a moment before choosing his next words carefully, "He's perceptive, he notices things other don't and he likes to know everything."
"Hence being invasive," I comment.
"Listen, back in Freshmen year there was a kid being beat by his dad," Lukas starts off catching my attention immediately, "No one knew about it and the kid never uttered a word to anyone. Well Jesse would catch glimpses of him in the locker room, he'd question why he would always change in the bathroom. Heck Jesse even tested him by jerking towards him and seeing if he'd flinch, and sure enough he would. So after a supposed 'anonymous' tip to the police that the kid was being abused by the dad, the police found enough evidence and Jesse saved the kid."

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