Chapter 50: The Fourth Card

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"Welcome to New Orleans!" John cheers from the front in an attempt to lighten the mood. Chris just lifts his head up slightly to see the sign that we pass before putting it back down onto Katie's sleeping figure. He's been oddly quiet since he woke up and I'm scared that he's still under the influence of the voices in his head despite the extra pills we gave him. I tried to tell him the fake story we'd planned but it was no use, he remembers everything, everything he did and everything he saw that none of us did.

"This is our last stop before Texas right?" I ask Jesse who zones out the window.
"Yeah and then we'll probably be in Texas for a few weeks before returning home for school," Jesse nods and my mind flashes back to school. It flashes to the parties and to, Macey, Rico, James, Vickey, even Ruth who I haven't seen since the first party. I'd almost forgotten about them and wish that I had said a better goodbye before leaving for the trip, they obviously knew we were going on it but at the same time I feel like they know nothing at all. Which is true, they don't know the real reason we can't use technology on the trip, or why we're even going on the trip in the first place.

"What do you think they're doing right now?" I quirk my head up to look at Jesse who's eyebrows draw inward, "Rico, Macey, James, and all them." Resting his head on the side of the van Jesse let's out a long thoughtful sigh before a smile graces his lips.
"Well I bet Rico and Macey are arguing about something right now," he states and laugheter bubbles in my chest for the first time in what feels like ages, a good light feeling settles in my chest and I smile up at him as he talks.
"And James is defiantely getting ready for soccer season I can feel it," he grins to himself, "Probably in a gym right now squating or benching."

As Jesse speaks he gets a long off look, the kind of look that can only be described as home sickness and it settles in me as well. But I know that Jesse has it bad, I know he misses his older brother like hell, his mother and sister as well his best friends back home and it's all my fault. I'm the one who dragged him on this trip and took him from his family and friends, I took him from his home.

"Would you have gone on this trip if you'd know that it'd turn out like this?" I stare at him as he suddenly turns his head from the window to me.
"What? With Chris?" he asks and I nod tiredly.
"Yeah I think I would," he flashes me a side smile, "This has probably been the best three weeks of my life," he laughs a little at the end and my chest suddenly fills with hope.
"Really?" I feel a smile crawl onto my face quickly and he nods with a small laugh.
"I mean I got to spend it with my best friends, sure I miss the other crazy guys back home but," he looks at John and Naomi in the front and then to my brother and Katie, "You guys are like a family to me, especially after this trip."

"I'm sorry," I appologize and he sighs as he realizes what I'm talking about.
"I'm sorry I didn't see that I had a lot more than Chris, that I had you. I'm just not used to having anyone other than my brother, we're always moving and lying to people that I just―" I sigh, "I just forgot what it's like to a have a real friend, a best friend." Jesse gives me a sad smile before placing a gentle kiss on my forehead and holding it for a while before pulling back and resting his head on mine, "Well now you do, I'm here for you. Always," he states and I believe him.


"Mm," I moan as I take another bite of the giant creme puff.
"You know it never ceases to amaze me that you're able to fit so much food in your stomach, like how can you fit two giant creme puffs and a hamburger all in that?" John stares at me in disbelief as he motions to my entire body.
"I blame teenage metabolisms," Naomi speculates while taking a bite of her own creme puff.
"I'd say it's just talent," I shrug and shove the rest of the creme puff in my mouth.

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