Chapter 40: What Happened in Vegas Didn't Stay in Vegas

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"Run!" John mouths to us and suddenly we're dashing thoughout the venue area with people screaming and gasping in surprise.
"Get back here you son of a bitch!" the groom screams as he persues us but soon we're bursting through the door into the fresh Las Vegas air and straight for our van. I watch as Chris throws himself through the window with Katie on his tail and Naomi and John jump into the front seats at top speed, Jesse's arm grabs onto mine and soon I'm being yanked into the car last just as it's zooming away.

The groom attempts to pursue us on foot but gives up once we've reached 50 mph and zoom out of the city.
"Nice seeing you Vegas!" John screams and suddenly sirens and lights flash from behind us.
"Well shit."

                                                                                    THREE HOURS EARLIER

The bright lights soon come into view and a huge sign saying LAS VEGAS passes us as we zoom into the city with excitement dancing in the air around us.
"Holy shit we're in Las Vegas," I breathe out as Jesse's eyes stay captivated on the bright lights and busy roads. I knew it was on our list and was excited to go and stuff but it never really hit me that we're traveling around the US to places I've only dreamed of going until about now.

I stay entranced as casinos whizz by us and I begin to wonder where on earth we're going in Las Vegas, I don't exactly think 4 teenagers could sneak into a casino much less win in one.
"Naomi where are we going?" I question as she pulls into a completely packed parking lot.
"It doesn't matter where we're going we're in Vegas anywhere is good," she comments as she turns around to look at us, "Plus I just so happened to get these for you kids," she hands us all cards with our names on it and I quickly recognize them as ID cards. That's when I realize once I get mine that it's the picture I have on my driver's license as well as the number 22 on it.

"Are these fake IDs?" Katie gasps in morbid surprise.
"Sure as hell they are," John turns around with a grin to see the rest of our reactions.
"Well..." Jesse trails off as he looks at his card, "Let's party in Vegas."


I grip tightly to Jesse's hand as we enter the club, the crowds push against us and my nerves spike as I realize I'm doing something never in a million years I would actually think of doing. I'm assuming this is all an in the moment thing as I know that if I really thought this out I'd end up running for the hills at the various scenarios I could create in my head of what can go wrong.

"I can't believe we're in a Las Vegas club right now!" I shout over the music to Jesse.
"I can't believe they let you in!" he shouts back with a large grin and I can't help but let a small laugh out as my nerves begin to unwind.
"Meet back at the front at midnight," John instructs, "Since we don't have any cell phones you have to watch the time, and above all do not drink! I may have given you a pass to get in here but that doesn't mean I'm giving you a pass to get wasted, now go have fun!" John shouts over the music and soon Katie and Chris are already out of sight.

"May I have this dance milady?" Jesse whisper in my ear over the music.
"You know for being in a club you're quite polite," I respond and he takes my hand, placing a small kiss on it before leading me into the center of the dance floor. People's bodies shift around us but still stay at a respectable distance as we dance in sync together. The music changes to songs I'm unfamiliar with and sounds I've never heard before but I dance like they're my favorite songs.

The space between Jesse and I seems to shrink more and more with each song and soon our bodies are so close I can feel his every move and he mine. My arms entangle around his neck as the skirt I changed into crawls up my waist slightly, his hands stay firmly planted on my hips and only shift when he's pulling me closer. Soon a song I actually know begins to sound and I'm shouting the lyrics as loud as I can, "Feeling my way through the darkness! Guiding by our beating heart! I can't tell where the journey will end but I know where to start! You tell me I'm too young to understand you say I'm caught up in a dream!" I scream and stomp my feet as Jesse's body begins to move in sync with mine as he laughs at my childlike dance moves.

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