Chapter 32: $460.55

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"I'm sorry whose idea was it to go shopping when your homicidal father is on the loose?" Katie questions as I pull out a flannel shirt that looks way to hot for summer.
"My father could be anywhere, including our house so going out in public is actually our safest bet right now," I explain as I toss the flannel back on the rack.

"I'm just confused," she starts as her light blonde hair falls into her face, "Your father attacked Chris but you're not going to leave?"
"We've ran enough times and although my father did attack Chris, he didn't physical hurt him, well besides the knocking out part so if my father wanted to end his little game he would've just shot Chris on the spot rather than scare him. Christopher wants to scare us again so he can continue his game and he wants us to run and leave everything we have behind so us staying is actually buying more time until he wants to end the game," I explain and soon Naomi walks out of the dressing room in a sky blue sun dress.

"Yay or nay?" she asks with a brow raised. My eyes swoop over the light blue that contrasts perfectly with her chocolately skin and dark hair.
"Yay!" I cheer with two thumbs up and she does a small happy dance as she re-enters the changing room. Turning back to Katie who looks like she's still trying to absorb all of the information in her head, she finally nods slightly before looking up at me again, "I think I got it..."
"Good cause this looks perfect with your hair!" I chirp and shove a ramper into her arms and nod to the dressing room.

Soon she's in the room and I'm left alone in the store, the feeling of being watched is absent which seems to make me more nervous than it should. For a moment I wonder if he is watching and I've been just too distracted to notice, then I remember that my whole life I've been paraniod and aware of my father's presents and now more than ever I should be paranoid.

A gasp makes my body flip around as Naomi stands with her hands over her mouth as she gapes at Katie in the light pink romper, "You look adorable!" she gapes and I smile at Katie who's face turns the color of her new outfit. Walking towards them I smile when I feel my phone vibrating in my pocket and quickly whip it out to see it's a call from Jesse.

"One sec guys," I excuse myself as I go back to the racks, "Hello?"
"Hey Kira, everything going good?" his voice travels through the phone and a small smile dances along my lips.
"Yep we're on our third store," I chirp.
"You left like three hours ago," he breathes.
"Yeah an hour in each store," I comment as if it's obvious.
"Alright just come home soon," I hear him breathe out, "Oh yeah and there's a credit card in your purse, I dropped it in there while you were leaving and I won't take it back so make sure you spend all the money on it," he commands and my eyebrows furrow as I pull out a credit card I hadn't noticed at the very bottom of my purse.

"Jesse you didn't have to give me money..." I start as I stare at the golden Capital One card.
"Think of it as a one month anniversary gift," I can hear him smile through the phone and a blush creeps onto my cheeks.
"Thank you," I sigh while playing with the card as Naomi and Katie begin to walk towards me with their bags.
"Well I gotta go, I love you," I smile.
"I love you too, bye."

"Was that lover boy?" Naomi teases and I roll my eyes.
"It could've been my mom," I respond.
"I don't think your face turns the color of a tomato when you're talking to your mom," Naomi comments.
"He gave me a credit card and I have no idea how much money is on it," I quickly change the subject as they both glance at the card.
"Well then I guess we better go find out," Katie chirps as we head to Boston Store.

We shop and shop and shop, grabbing more items than I have in my closet back home before going to the check out with Naomi and Katie behind me. I nervously hand the woman behind the desk my card as she rings up all of my clothes, the total coming out to be $239.45. I bounce on my toes as she hands back the card and my eyes widen, he gave me over $200?

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