Chapter 51: Nostalgia

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"That was a bad idea," I grumble as we both head out of the shop.
"I know Kira I'm sorry..." Jesse reaches out to grab my shoulder to stop me from walking so fast.
"No Jesse it's not your fault, it's just," I clentch my jaw tightly as the sight of the last card bores into my mind.
"Kira it's ok it's just a trick they do, she probably didn't have any cards but those she's an actress and magician she uses tricks to mess with people," Jesse tries to reason with me as I run my hands roughly through my hair.
"Then how was it so accurate Jesse?" I heave out and drop my hands to my sides.

"Everyone keeps secrets, therefor the first card relates to everyone, everyone looks back at there past it's just something we do, no one only thinks of their future. And the third one was just to make everyone happy while the last was to make people nervous and caustious around the people they care about," Jesse's hands find my shoulders as he tries to talk some sense into me. Finally moving my eyes to his I let out a long sigh before taking his hand in mine.

"Thank you," I breathe out before looking around the now dark sky.
"Dang how long had we been in there?" I wince at the clock that reads 10:00.
"Apparently too long, we were supposed to meet the others at  9:45 near the coffee shop on the other side of town, let's go," Jesse pulls lightly on my hand as we make our way through the lit up city. Jazz music blares across the whole city as bright lights flash around illuminating the whole city making it look like one giant outdoor club.

Finally we make a last turn to see our van where we parked it by the coffee shop maybe five hours ago.
"John and Naomi are― oh gosh!" Jesse shouts before throwing a hand over my eyes to shield them from the making out couple but he was too late.
"I am never driving or sitting in the front seat again!" Jesse shouts as he points an accusing finger at the couple who have now seen us approaching them.

"Oh c'mon we were kissing not making babies," John shouts out the window as Jesse and I make our way to the van.
"Where's Chris and Katie?" I ask immediately when I swing the van door open to see it empty.
"Coffee shop," Jesse nods his head towards the shop that's right next to us and I see through the window Katie and Chris sitting at a booth, and to my surprise, they're laughing. I feel a small weight lift in my chest at the sight of my brother and best friend finally smiling again after what feels like ages.

"Smart alec," I bump Jesse in the shoulder as I climb into the van.
"It's not about being smart its about being perceptive," Jesse points out following me in.
"Wait up!" a voice calls to Jesse before he can close the door and the next thing I know a laughing Chris and giggling Katie are leaping into the van behind us.

"So where to next?" Chris asks and smirks up at John who's currently in the driver's seat. It seems his smile becomes contagious because soon all of us have smiles plastered on our faces as we know what's coming.

"To Texas," John nods his head.
"To Texas," I repeat under my breath.


The air is what gives it away first. The dry hot Texan air that my lungs seem to inhale the second I step out of the car. I stare up at the hotel as we walk in silence to it's front entrance and thank God that for the first time in three weeks I'll finally be able to sleep in an actual bed and shower somewhere that isn't a truck stop filled with creepy old men with Jesse guarding my stall like a dog.

The interior of the hotel is incredibly modern, lights hang from the ceiling in sheets and a small waterfall that makes intricate designs welcomes us at the entrance.
"Hi welcome to Hotel Trenton how can I help you?" the secretary gives us a bright smile with a thick Southern accent.

Naomi begins to speak with the secretary about a rooming arrangements and stuff like that while the rest of us except John who stays at her side, go and explore the lobby. It's bright and big just like Texas. Although I'm from Dallas we decided to stay in Austin which is where Jesse is actually from, not that I'd really want to go back to Dallas due to all the retched memories made there.

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