Chapter 58: Fourth of July Part 2

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The sun's rays lick the road as we drive up the long stretch to the top of the hill. A tree sits at the top of the hill like a crown on a king's head as it's branches spread up high producing shade from the soft sun's light. I soon realize that we've come to a stop and that the top of the hill is still a good 20 feet in front of us.
"You ready?" Jesse grins over at me. Smiling back I reach in the back and grab the small picnic basket that we packed earlier and slide out of the car with Jesse in suit.

Jesse slips his hand in mine as we walk towards the large oak tree and once we reach the top a soft smile tugs on my lips as the entire west side of Austin is in our view. Skyscrapers stand tall in the distance and city lights flicker on and off, the city is so far that we can't hear a thing from it making it sound mute but look so lively at the same time.

"The fireworks will go off right over there," Jesse's arm outstretches towards the right of us and I nod slightly before looking up at him.
"Thank you," I smile at him and a humble smile presses onto his face.
"For what?" he shakes his head slightly while I tilt my head up at him.
"For my first date," I respond softly.

Jesse's smile grows even further as he takes the basket from my hand and opens it up. We both set up the small picnic, spreading the large red cloth, setting up the paper plates, and placing the various foods on each of our plates as well as putting bowls of food out. Jesse leans back on his elbows as I sit cross legged across from him while we carry our conversation on about the sun and whether or not it will die one day.

"So when do the fireworks start?" I ask while chewing on a ripe strawberry.
"Right after dusk, it should last about thirty minutes," Jesse explains before a comfortable silence falls between us. A warm wind blows lightly and my head falls back so I'm staring at the few stars that dot the sky. The sun still hovers over the city but in the East there's a few stray stars dancing together over the wild country land and there's only the sound of the birds singing around us.

"Is this what you imagined your first date to be like?" Jesse questions making me turn my head to look at him. Letting out a short sigh a smile flickers on my lips as I answer, "Honestly I thought it'd be one of those awkward movie theater dates where the guy slowly inches towards me and then our hands get really sweaty but we never let go of each other's hand because we don't want to send the wrong signals." Jesse's chest erupts in laughter and I join in shortly after before asking, "What was your first date like? I mean I don't think this is your first date."
"Sadly it's not, and your first date nightmare was my first date reality," he nods his head slowly with a pained expression as I let out a short laugh.
"Who as it with?" I question out of curiosity.
"Macey," he breathes.
"Yeah we quickly learned that remaining friends would be best for us― and for Rico," he nods.

"I can imagine," I chuckle.
"But I don't want to talk about that, I want to talk about you," Jesse grins leaning over so our noses almost touch.
"Well what about me?" soon our lips are only centimeters apart and my eyes bore into his forest green ones that seem to hypnotize me and bring me to another world.

His lips connect with mine in a second and soon his hand is on the side of my face bringing us closer together. My arms wrap tightly around his neck as he pulls me onto his lap with his hands now resting on my hips. He brings me closer and closer until our bodies feel molded together and we breathe in each other's air. Electricity courses through me as my body begins to crave him with a ravenous hunger that can only be satisfied by him.

His hands move to my lower back and then mine to his hair, running my fingers through it like a comb as another warm breeze pushes by us. After a short amount of time our lips fall from each others and we're heaving for air as our chest push against each other.
"I want to go home," I sigh after a moment. The words have been lingering on my tongue for the past week but of course I've never been allowed to say them, they seem to fling both of us back to reality a little too quickly as Jesse's face drops.

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